
8 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

With 7 mana, high tide, 10 murfolk, and 1 brain frezze i can mill 63 in 1 turn. this isn't even necessary since by the time i have 7 mana they will have drawn 7 + original 7 for hand leaving 46 in the deck, also taking into account the numerous other mill cards i have in the deck, in theory i would only need about 6 murfolk, high tide, 5 mana, and a brain freeze. to insta win.

Posted 28 December 2010 at 10:12 as a comment on wizard mill


The only reason i had him in cause he was a cheap only (1B 2C and if you use Semblance Anvil hes out for 1B) regeneration zombie who can take on any 3/3 in combat because of flanking giving the opposing creature -1/-1 and with death baron and cemetery reaper out hes a 4/4 regeneration who can take on a 5/5 with flanking's -1/-1.

Posted 20 December 2010 at 09:47 as a comment on mono black chalange deck
