Orzhov guild mage would turn that elixir into a burn spell.
This is an interesting idea. I thought there would be more undyingcreatures but so far so good
I don't think blood artist is really needed when there are better ways to gain life.I'm also building a deck similar with the loop.http://www.mtgvault.com/husher/decks/the-tax-collector/
Now thinking about taking out Nighthawk and adding in Rhox Faithmender to get x2 life gain which with the guildmage's ability would be great. Extort for 2 gain Rhox Faithmender x2 = 4 lifegain. Guildmage triggers and does 4 damage.
The cards I'm liking are Jace's Phantasm, Talrand, Sky Summoner and Jace himself. I feel you can make a control deck to summon drakes with each control spell while forcing a grave on your opponent with Mind Sculpt for your 1 drop Phantasms.
I love the deck! I made an account just to say this to you. I like how you have the stuffy doll as the main goal while the goblins and the tokens on the side as a backup plan and something that just happens along the way. I'll be looking at your deck for a while and will save this to my favorites.