Everyone's done it at some point, I'm sure, so here's my take on a Paradox Haze deck. This is meant purely for fun, casual, multiplayer matches, and isn't aimed at being competitive. However, if anyone can give suggestions on how exactly to make it competitive and streamlined, they're very welcome!
The obvious engine here is Paradox Hazing yourself so that your multiple upkeeps start going off. Arc Blade, Reality Strobe, and Chronomantic Escape, and festering March will start going off each turn in multiples, keeping you safe while controlling the board. Your Hondens in a pack of all five will also start controlling the board, netting you ridiculous card advantage, and padding your life total. And, if it gets to the point where you may very well deck yourself off of Honden of Seeing Winds, feel free to bounce it to your hand off of a Reality Strobe.
The methods of winning here are, beyond the obvious chipping-down with upkeep damage, a quickly growing army of Chronozoa's, or your opponent ragequitting.
Jhoira's Timebug is the MVP in this deck, quickening any cycling suspend cards, and even popping them off during the opponent's turn for a surprise. Also, if they get targeted, you can always tap them to finish off a Reality Strobe, using it to bounce the Timebug to your hand to save at least one.
Lost Auramancers can help you tutor for more Hazes and Hondens (along with Idyllic Tutor), and with a Haze or Timebug already out, will probably bin itself very soon after it comes into play. Dust of Moments helps the 'Mancers hit the bin quicker, and can leap all your suspender spells into play at once for supreme shenanigans.
In the sideboard is some removal if need be, in the form of Reality Acid, Plunder (for that pesky Eon Hub), and the lovely World Queller. Also, if someone goes enchantment-hate to ruin your day, there's Open the Vaults to ruin THEIR day.
I'm trying to keep relatively recent and close to block themes with this deck list, as you can see, so that explains some of the choices in lieu of others. Any and all comments are welcome, especially on the mana base. I've done three-color decks before (and currently play a few), but what's listed is all I have available to build it with, so any budget suggestions would be awesome. Cheers!