A pretty basic Rogue tribal build based on some light card draw for you, hard-hitting unblockable damage, and card denial and discard a-plenty for the opponent. It'll grind them down with card advantage and damage, and they won't like it one bit.
The main engine here for the Prowl costs is Inkfathom Infiltrator, who can be protected with a Cloak and Dagger, and can cause some serious hurt with Helm of The Ghastlord. Once you get that unblockable swingin' in though, Earwig Squad, Noggin Whack, and Notorious Throng will start hittin' the board with force and speed. Nightshade Stinger is also there to guarantee early Prowl costs, and Auntie's Snitch is an excellent harasser.
Cache Raiders is the card that pushes this into the late game, letting you bounce your Earwigs for another jump, exiling more cards and netting them +1/+1 counters from your Blackguards for extra discard. Dire Undercurrents combined with the Raider engine can make for some nasty discard on the opponent's side, as well as some good advantage on yours. Sygg can help keep the gas goin' in later stages, and the Creeping Tar Pits are there to help make sure he stays active.
Declaration of Naught can be your silver bullet if something keeps on breaking your pace, there are extra copies to fill out the Cloak, along with Grimoire if you need more draw. Morsel Theft is great against life-gain, and the rest of Auntie's Snitch is there if need be.
Nettlevine Blight, and Oona are fun little one-ofs to spice up the deck, because things can never get TOO serious.
This deck can race aggressive decks if need be, and anything slower than it will succumb to the denial and unblockable damage quick enough. Decks that gain life or prevent damage will also get slogged down by the discard and denial, but I forsee a problem with threats they actually put on the board. Granted, most late-game threats will likely neutered by discard, but it could turn into a race to the red zone quickly, since a fair amount of my creatures can't block. So, should I side in removal as well, do you think? Thoughts?
P.S. - I tried including Frogtosser Banneret, but I just couldn't find something worthy enough to exclude for him, and his cheapening of spells really isn't incredibly necessary when I'll already be paying Prowl costs. Any thoughts on whether or not I should include him? How many? What should I replace?
Comments are very welcome!