Here's my slight re-interpretation of the modern Pickles combo Stasis decks! Tapdown and its friends have always been my favorite of the blue archetypes, so here's a deck built to lock down then opponent, fill your hand, and generally have fun along the way!
There's your standard Fathom Seer + Vesuvan Shapeshifter to draw you two every turn for two mana, and then there's Brine Elemental + Vesuvan Shapeshifter to keep them tapped down, and I added Willbender + Vesuvan Shapeshifter to redirect shenanigans around the table however you want, if you keep two mana open.
Boomerang is a must to establish tempo, usually by bouncing lands or large mana investments. Best of all, you can just bounce threats once you've got your opponent locked down!
To make sure they stay locked, there's Gigadrowse, which works wonders when replicated off of Calciform Pools, and Mana Short. If they try to do something fancy, Mana Short 'em, and then lock them down with Brine next turn. Simple enough.
Compulsive Research is just an awesome draw spell, because you need a maximum of six mana to get out Brine Elemental at any time, and that can usually be supplied with some storage counters, so lands aren't super important. Plus, a plain Fathom Seer morphed normally will make sure it stays optimally active if need be. Otherwise, all the other card draw should supply it.
Now, with all this morphing and drawing going on, I figured Unblinking Bleb would be a nice enough addition. He's a lot like the new Crystal Ball, but he fits in-theme, and we can activate him multiple times a turn for some ridiculous card selection, which I enjoy! Hooray Blebs!
So, comments are very welcome, and any improvements, I'd like to hear! Thanks in advance!