add melira sylvok outcast to make you invincible with phyrexian unlife because infect can't touch you
add inkmoth nexus for a cheap land that does infect as well as a contagion clasp
why is it fallen angels when you have one angel and no Geist of Saint Taft
too many titans put in some 2/2 deathtouch or a sengir vampire
add lumberknot he buffs up every time a creature dies which will get him massive with this deck
Add gideons lawkeeper for a first turn drop that can tap opposing creatures then add gideons avenger that gets bigger every time an opponents creatures are tapped
Add Puresteel Paladin so you have his auto equip with all those artifacts also add flare husks to add little 1/1 equipment creatures
where is endless ranks of the dead
add worldslayer and goblin grenade to make your goblins the ultimate suicide bombers
add a Sorin's vengeance they really work good with Sorin
add a mindcrank for mill with damage
what would you do if i played a creeping corrosion or acidic slime
cheaper spells like a shock or into the maw of hell fireball would also be a good choice
he can still add quite a bit i don't think you play green ther's a lot of easy changes he could make such as using glistener elf as a first turn infect drop
add a triumph of the hordes and replace giant growth's with rampant growth's for more bang with your buck maybe throw in a overrun to team with the triumph of the hordes for big infect #s
throw in a sorins vengeance for big damage and it helps for when you don't draw sorin
Throw in a jace so you can make the mill even greater and the opponent someone to swing at other than you
there's no power the smaller big guys can kick your decks butt if they put like garruk's horde he can slaughter you
Throw in some Flameblast dragons and maybe a volcanic dragon to deal some heavy damage with flameblast's ability but furyborn hellkie helps if your in a pickle and have a shock
add gideon's avenger for upgrade in combo with the lawkeeper
41-60 of 63 items