With all the human decks running around Frailty is a card I love. Everything else Is currently in the test phase so your comments will be considered. As for skullcrack. I love that card a lot. I would love it sideboard but I'm not sure as to where. This will be receiving work once its fully together and ive had some runs with it. Appreciate the input!!
Elite Inquisitor somewhere. Protection from zombies and vampires is wayy too good right now. Knight of Glory for his exalted buff and Protection from black is really good too. Both cards are low cast cost and really effective in the current standard meta.
This deck will be so much better once Gatecrash comes out. So many good red and green cards are going to be coming.
Honestly the shock lands only make the deck more expensive. You have no black or white mana in the deck at all and to make door go off you need the lantern anyway. The shock lands are expendable here.
LOL didnt look that one over that well. Thanks guys!
Shock can stay drop the hammer for a lightning bolt same card less mana cost....
Not much I can say you look like you have the jest of it down.
I like the card but it doesnt do much for the deck. It is however in my Standard version of knights
I would make it red black have an easier time with mana. And while all damage is done with wither lightning bolt becomes a bigger scar...
Instead of lumengrid warden use halimar excavator. Same casting cost same power and toughness but gives you another small mill ability.
You would probably take the first game but second game saving a naturalize for stasis would be the key to beating you. But then the counterspells would probably delay long enough for you to get another but a naturalize would throw a kink into the machine you have. I think a good green ramp with some naturalizes would have a good chance on game 2 after learning what they are in for lol. But otherwise my buddy wanted to be gay and do the same thing. BTW pretty sure there is an artifact that does the same thing as frozen Aether if you wanted a better chance of getting something of that sort.
Then its nto that bad.
Ok so this fails just a little bit. You have two Wrexial, the Risen Deeps but not a single swamp or double color land in the deck.