deadeye and great whale, into infinite green mana then wolfbriar into 100 tokens, then collective unconscious and labman for 100 draw... win
yes, but how do you win? (sorry if its an obvious win con, i'm still kinda new to magic.)
I love the deck, but idk if anyone told u this however you cant isochron and demonic or vampiric, isochron is instant only
i run a lot of token spam and one thought i had was why not add overrun or what i like to run to make it better (and meaner) triumph of the horde
you have 4 zealous persecution in your main deck and 1 in your sideboard.
1 might be to few, its a card I'd put a 2 of in deck.
Normally if a combo enters an infinate without a way to stop it it would "Freeze" the game, however since the combo stops when all of your opponents die it works. Exquisite blood + Sanguine bond do the same thing.
Maybe look into felidar soverign (Spelling?)
Oh sht, didn't even notice sublime wasn't in deck, supposed to be. Thanks for pointing that out
Money is an issue so i probably won't get Iona. Lord of deaths and Balefire I will probably look into and Gisela and Ob I have just didnt think of. As for draw I didnt think of that much, I'll probably look into black draw cards. Thanks for the tips tho, I really appreciate it :D
Ok I see how it works now, but for a combo with that many pieces to get going on turn 3 you would have to be lucky as all hell. Otherwise I don't see this deck going until turn 6-7 on average.
I'm failing to see how this deck works, what are you casting with sylvan caryatid?
if u add sage of hours, get him to 5 counters and copy him with progenitor mystic u can get infinate turns