I would cut 2 more lands I think. 1cmc everywhere doesn't need 20 and you don't want to flood.
I liked your deck because I had a similar idea recently. I am splashing blue in mine at 23 lands to be able to activate colonnade. That or mutavault/inkmoth nexus might be a suggestion for you since you are mono white. Since I am splashing blue, I am thinking of running academy ruins to recur destroyed equipment. You can look at my profile, the deck is public if you are interested.(sb not done)
If you liked Prognostic Sphinx in the past, please try Silumgar. I tried it last friday as a 1 Silumgar and 1 PLA and it worked pretty good. Silumgar was a real pain to get off the table seriously and it was lowering every creature on my opponent side to finish them of with drown on second main phase (pseudo anger of the gods). Its not the point of Silumgar's ability but its fun to do to me. :) I don't know if 2x Silumgar instead of PLA would work though. For me... I don't think so. I need at least 1 vault in the main instead of 4x crux to clear some weird stuff people play at my local store. Otherwise, Crux + Silumgar is kind of hilarious.
memory adept is ok ish ... its only 1 trigger even if you mill yourself for 5 creatures out of his ability. I personnaly don't like it.
whelming wave could replace aetherspouts if you want to make sure to clean his board if he is any creature player. Its sorcery though.
I like the idea but I don't understand the pretrifier. Sure its a warrior but it does nothing for the other warriors. I think the same for krumar. I would -2 petrifier, -2 krumar and do +3 bloodsoaked championI would -2 hateblade, -1 whip and do +1 bellowing saddlebrute + 2 spear of heliod, +1 mardu hordechiefAt least, thats what I would try. +1 bellowing and +1 hordechief since it increase your board strenght. Bellowing side effect isnt that bad if you play aggro and attack ... at least for a 4 drop it will hit for more than 2-3.Why not use some Spear of Heliod? Acts as anthem and removal if something goes through after you attacked with evrything. I think I would side the whip against burn. Not sure on the amount of spear and whip but I don't think you need both at the same time.If you want, I have a new junk constellation deck I just made, take a look if you feel like it :) http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/standard-constellation-junk/
I love your ideas man, I love the OP deck but I made a monowhite version could you take a look?http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/standard-white/ (trying to be ready for post rotation)I would probably replace Kinsbaile Skirmisher for Anok. I like Wingmate Roc but I don't know what I could cut for it.I wish I could help you with your green modern deck but I never played modern :( So Im not sure what is good or not.
I love your deck, gj. I made a U/R version. The big flaw in my version is no card draws and I am not sure how to improve it overall.http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/standard-doom-engine/
I reworked one of my submissions because it was too expensive.Blood Dinasty at 74.66$ : http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/blood-dinasty/Welcome to Labyrinth at 42$ : http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/welcome-to-labyrinth/Those price are average on Tcgplayer.
ZiaSoulseer, I think I would call a wall deck, attacking : Thorns or something similar. :)
pharika's can be done on high priest of penance to destroy something on the other side while gaining 2 life.
Here is a version of mine theros block. (otherwise reckoner would be in it) http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/standard-theros-rakdos-mino/
I would suggest beacon of immortality to make Vizkopa Guildmage a potential bomb.I like you deck, I went with Oloro because it was my first EDH deck. I think Angelic Accord isnt the best, imo Luminarch ascension is better for Angel generation since you can generate more than 1 per turn. You could also use Phyrexian Processor (pay life) to create monsters.Also Hatred could make any creature that goes trough a potential finisher.Here is my esper Oloro is life if you want to look at it, although I am not as focused as you on life. http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/commander-oloro-is-life/
Once you start replacing cards or playing against any custom commander deck, eternal bargain is quite weak in my experience. Keep in mind I play more multiplayer with Oloro. Pridemate dies almost the turn it gets in because most are afraid of it (dunno why realy I have scarier stuff) and most of the players I play with completely ignore my life total. As you said, they can block Serra Avatar with any chump bullshit then they usually go commander damage (prossh+ whispersilk cloak no less). I play against Kaalia and Prossh and Progenitus most of the times, so unless I have stuff to deal with the instant creatures from kaalia, it gets ugly fast. Sure I could fill my deck with mass removal untill I get a Cheesy win (Felidar Sovereign, Test of Endurance or Exquisite/Sanguine) but its quite boring to win like that. Im currently in a recontruction phase. So I don't have a real answer. If play against preconstructed decks, cool. My scene is a little more ambitious than that. My only sure cards that are required as Oloro (unless you play lots of creatures, 30+) you need Righteous Aura or Delaying Shield or keep your life gain to a reasonable level to not attrack the hate and commander damage too fast. Commander damage is too easy imo.
I don't know if you like "cheesy" combos but Exquisite Blood would do an infinite combo with Sanguine Bond and Oloro or any direct damage or life gain if they both get on the field without any response. I personnaly put them in any deck that includes black.
Celestial flare and devour flesh can do as well. If the players has to sacrifice it himself.
Hi, I am new to deck building but I would replace Guardians of meletis by Hover barrier. What do you think?
I like your deck. It is giving me ideas for the future. btw, if you have time, maybe check my lifelink orzhov and tell me what you think? I am pretty new to mtg, I just like collecting it but I want to play better now :) http://www.mtgvault.com/humstuckmtg/decks/1-orzhov-lifelink/