I would pick two to three of your favorite sliver colors and focus the deck around that mana. That way you dont have to be so diversified with your lands and you can almost always play all of your cards that you hold. I would drop the dredging, because if your sliver goes to the graveyard you have like 20 more to back him up. Since your focus is creatures you need a 1 - 2 punch that will play your strengths. Add in 3 of the sliver that makes all slivers unblockable except by other slivers. I forget the name, but its in my sliver deck. Ward sliver does the same thing. Make sure not to put in too many high costing slivers. YOu want the average costing cost to be around 2.5 so you can constantly play a bunch. You want to add some support cards that play to your strengths as well. Coat of Arms or Door of destinies will grant your slivers some serious muscle, especially if they are unblockable. Imagine if there was a card that gave all your creature infect....... ( i think there might have been one in shadowmoor).
I like your deck. I've never seen a mono colored sliver deck. Let me know what you think of mine. If you like Doors of Destinies, its quicker to get out on the board and you dont have to worry about how many creatures are currently on the board. Plus, the counters never go away!
I would maybe tone down the number of appears sliver legion and sliver queen have in your hand. You definitely want them in there, but you don't want copies in your hand early on when you cannot yet cast them.
To help get sliver legion and queen out add 4 ancient ziggurat and 1 to 2 city of brasses. Sweet land cards. Check out my sliver deck not that far off from yours to give you some ideas. Let me know if you have any improvement ideas as well.
Very sweet deck. Its hard to build a "good" dragon deck that has more than 5 dragons. They are usually to much to play fast, but the protean hulk is amazing for this kind of dragon deck. Check my dragonstorm deck out. I'd be curious to what you think.
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