
0 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

Hey! I quite like the deck; I've got a similar one for almost Standard, and I've been doing a fair bit of fine tuning recently. Basically I'll just say some cards I have in mine that I really like:
Trinket Mage does so much for this deck! He searches up Everflowing Chalice + Surge Node, which is great, and he also grabs Chimeric Mass for the win!
Treasure Mage can grab Contagion Engine, and lets you do something on Turn 3 rather than Turn 6 (so I would -2 Contagion Engine, +2 Treasure Mage) He also lets you search for other win conditions, like Steel Hellkite or Wurmcoil Engine. Finishers can be really expensive because you probably have tons of mana from Everflowing Chalice + Thrummingbird.
Voltaic Key is a good alternative to Surge Node or Unwinding Clock. He's great with Lux Cannon, and I might just put in as a 1 of to search for with Trinket Mage.
For your deck I might also suggest Wing Splicer? He lets your golems soar over a crowded board for the win.
One final problem you might have is that without Surge Node, Conversion Chamber is useless because most of the artifacts aren't getting into the graveyard. The spellbombs and other cheap 1 CMC cost artifacts that draw you cards or sacrifice for an effect can get into the graveyard early & be exiled later for a golem.
Sorry I couldn't figure out how to link to cards in the comments; hopefully you can filter out whatever useless information from there you want. There are lots of ways you could take this deck; good luck with it!

Posted 30 January 2012 at 21:36 as a comment on Proliferation/Charge Counter


Your mana is looking pretty top heavy; I would take out some of the higher mana cost guys, especially as many of the cards (Contagion Clasp, Contagion Engine, Glider Bairn, & Cytoplast Root-kin) can provide sinks for extra mana. Instead of Helium Squirter try Aquastrand Spider (instead of flying, reach) & Thrummingbird for quick proliferates. With all the Graft cards, you can also move counters onto Thrumminbird to buff itself into a nice flyer.
For removal, Mirrorweave is amazing: it can turn all creatures into a copy of a 0/0 creature, but yours will be fine because of the counters.

Posted 26 January 2011 at 21:02 as a comment on Graft + Proliferate
