absolutely amazing dude this deck is a pain in the ASS! great job!
i scene sarcasm lol.
good when ever you post a deck i check it out most of the time anyways so this deck is good i disagree with birdygirl she knows nothing she is clearly a noob overall good job i say cut some dudes to put in more spells but yeah its playable again good job.
Awesome Deck keep up the good work! dude.
wow ForestFire not cool i dislike people like you! lol jk it's fine have fun with it!
some people have posted other wild defiance decks but this one is the best. because it is infect every one else is not using infect therefore they are doing it wrong. infect is defiantly the right way to go.
Lol, This is the deck that kicked my ass last FNM.
Awesome I would never have thought of that! i am going to build this deck!
Duuuuuuuude! When someone drops an Emurakul you can only pack up your cards and walk away that's the best play emurakul is immune to most removal
WOW just wow!
Ok well I have seen a few decks from this format and i am impressed i am loving this game-play i have made two decks now Koth and tamyio and i am playing with friends all over the place i am a big fan of this format thanks for promoting it!
AWESOME! I am gonna tweak this so i can play it tomorrow at FNM!
great deck hands down.
awesome probably could use some work but i have no advice.