its commander... if it was 60 it wouldn't be legal?
just dump the red, go blue black :)
and.. oh no they drew cards when thromok is 100/100.. trust me bro. not a big deal if they draw.. :P
i have a thromok irl, try fecundity, and clan defiance
jarad is worse then savra by far.... jarad is fine for inclusion but savra just pwns way more then he doesas for additions... grave pact, vraska the unseen, atrittion, fecundity and lethal vapors (Its basically take an extra turn if there is any creature based deck at the table, I ran sudden death in any black deck ever. abrupt decay, putrefy and perhaps maelstrom pulse. Also dredge is an awful idea, edh is not the place for it.
i start with 40 in edh...
Oh right delver is still in standard... no counterspells?
Dump season for an enchantment that's purely worse, when I run cathars crusade?! I like the other suggestions though oh God warp world sounds fun
Id drop street spasm for mizzium mortars, ajani's sun striker for accorder paladin, fervor is Meh for me but more importantly smite is so much worse then path to exile and swords to plowshares, glaring spotline seems bad too if you want yo avoid blockers master warcraft ia good and you already have odric, swap for sol ring. Also you have very poor card advantage...faithless looting? Wild guess? Solemn simulacrum? drop hellkite tyrant (not good in most match ups utvara hellkite with aurellia.. -shudders -
Jhoira is a much better izzt aggrieve general, ive got mine working really well also 2 words warstorm surge... you also chose the scrappy niv mizzet. Go firemind with curiosity as a just in case "I win button "
Still its an alternate wincon just throwing it out there
Psychic spiral might be Kinda fun... sideboard tech at the very least
Polymorph seems really risky in here... may I suggest riptide shapeshifter?
The slivers are worth it just for the removal and the mana as for thoctar, that's a flat out no, this deck doesn't aim to cast fatties, hitting thoctar wth Mayael would be the equivilant of phyrexian hulk, and even in a deck that did cast fatties . A 5/4 with no abilities wouldn't be worth 2 mana in edh
Dude.... I need a messenger .. I have an altar somewhere
61-75 of 75 items