updated! PTQ in less than two weeks! need jace but am too poor lol
yeh you have some nice control here! ouch! only thing i think would be nice is some mana ramping of some sort (everflowing chalice perhaps?) and maybe some go for the throats or something. dont know what i would take out though cos everything in there is nasty. nice work!
yeh i had corrupted resolve but i decided to go with two extra mana leaks instead. just because its less conditional, because i would need something like the blighted agent in my starting hand, or atleast a inkmoth in order to be able to get some early poison counters on them, but then im using my mana to put down those instead of using my mana leaks early and then putting down my bigger game winning creatures after. Later on though i might add in a couple of them for some extra countering :p just cos they are so damn cool and mana leaks get less useful as the game goes on. Thanks!
i dont like psychic barrier because it costs two blue, and sometimes you dont get two. instead i like the one that counters for a blue and colourless so long as the opponent is poisoned. but sometimes you cant get a poison counter on them before you need to use it. and yes i might toy with putting in the surgical extractions for the gambits. i like the gambits, but the surgicals might go a bit better. so will give that a go for sure and i think they are the cards that i would want to sub out too. as for the creatures, the black ones i have are just too good! if anything i would want to take out some creatures to put in more control with an extra couple of kozileks or something, but i think i need those creatures atleast. and i dotn need any lower mana creatures because i need the mana earlier for mana leaks and to ramp mana with the spheres and the myrs. thanks for the feedback and suggestions ty! i commented on your deck before. hope it helps :)
4 surgical extractions. i would also look at putting in two despise into your side deck with them. that way you can get rid of JCM as needed. i would take out the contagion engine and the extra trigon of rage for them. you wont ever sub them in because they are not situational ie what opponent would you want to take something out to put in another trigon for? and the contagion engine whilst good is to expensive. your an aggro deck, so you should be putting down creatures not that.
i was thinking of taking out the memoricide and painful quandary's and putting in a couple of inquisition of kozileks. i just havent got them yet so i put in those two for now.