
1 Deck, 5 Comments, 1 Reputation

He's actually horrible. They bust your enchant or you never see it and he's a dead card.

Posted 22 May 2012 at 12:21 in reply to #257694 on Heartless Summon in my way!


Interesting take on heartless I like the idea, but seems like more than most heartless builds you 'HAVE' hit those heartless or you are boned.

I thought about a RB build for a while, but decided on my UB in the long run because of consistency. Blue's draw/pitch abilities make it way more consistent. Check my build out and let me know what you think. Thanks.


Posted 20 May 2012 at 17:24 as a comment on Heartless Summon in my way!


I have a heartless deck I have taken to 2 Top 8 SC IQ events. Mine is UB. I considered GraveT for mine a while but his effect is horribly gimped by the -1/-1 of heartless summoning. Of all the titans he pays the most for it. All the rest still keep maximum punch for their ETB effects and attacks. His becomes 50% less effective and with the release of AVR Griselbrand while nice is such a late game effect he may never make a difference. At most you run a 1 or 2 of in a heartless deck.

Posted 20 May 2012 at 17:22 in reply to #257481 on Heartless Summon in my way!


Ok, I imagine your exclusion of Sorin means you are trying to keep this on the low end of the budget spectrum so that being said if you are seriously trying to overload your opponent with tokens you should run +2 Increasing Devotion -2 Timely Reinforcements. Plus you would be better switching -3 Intangible Virtue +3 honor of the Pure. It hits ALL of your creatures.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 20:32 as a comment on B/W Human/spirit tokens
