Looks like fun! Two suggestions: Omnath, Locus of Mana, and dauntless dourbark.
Updated with a new commander and color identity
I need help with the sideboard!
added karn in place of hand of emrakul, because karn owns.
Read the rulings here http://magiccards.info/cfx/en/121.html
man sporoloth ancient will accelerate saproling production.
how about pariah to redirect damage from you to stuffy dolls?
This deck must make your friends hate you. lol
Add some proliferate!! i.e. Contagion Clasp, or plaguemaw beast.
Yeah, it's pretty shitty on its own, but its meant to play against the knights deck, so that they are balanced. Check out the article in the description to see how they settled on it.
I like this idea. I may revamp my green meanies deck to have less lands and more mana producing guys.
good call! done.
This is a really cool idea.
wow.... thrumming stone + relentless rats. damn.