Suture Priest is good, but I got wrecked at FNM by Blood Artist in a W/B Token deck so check him out as a replacement for the Priests!
I didn't mean to be harsh! Just trying to help as I love Vampires so much. I just got some Cavern of Souls from Avacyn Restored to fight blue and drop my big bombs like the Bloodlord of Vaasgoth. :)
Increasing Ambition saved me multiple times this past FNM. A wurmcoil or Karn ends a game quickly and a ratchet bomb find and play same turn can just level a token deck!
Thanks! Just put together what I had and got a bit lucky on draws to win 5th at FNM out of 25+ ppl. Highlight was a Silverheart bonded with a Vorapede that was then equipped with Batterskull lol.
Lingering souls is a better token engine but to keep it 2-colour I just thought of changing the mimic vats to mycosynth wellsprings and add kuldotha rebirth so you get a slight ramp plus 3 tokens. Could even sac the Hex to it if you need more blockers or to get Demonlord out.
Hey, I liked this deck so much I built it! Sadly I have found it to rely much too heavily on the Torpor Orb. Without an Orb too frequently Pit-Dwellers help your enemy and you are forced to sac your vexing or priest to bring out a DemonLord. I am going to attempt a splash of white that will use Lingering Souls to make spirits solely for flying blockers or sac for Demonlord. This should also help activate the Priest more easily and make Hellrider more valuable. I will keep you updated on how it works out, but thus far without the orb combo this deck hurts itself too much.
No Geist of Saint Traft?
Very cool idea! Have you played this in Legacy? If so how did it do?
I took out the Vorinclex and added another Glissa. The stable early board position should help me get to Karn or Wurmcoil easier and keep me alive a bit longer. Also took your advice on the evolving wilds, I guess this could help my opening hand to find that swamp I need to heartless T2! Sounds like a fun deck please send me a link when you get it done!
Unfortunately these are the best cards I own. I would definitely put in a few more Wurmcoil and Titan if I had them! I do have the 8/8 Monstrosity that brings 2 randoms creatures back from grave to play when he dies, but I thought Vorinclex is better for 1 more mana. Thanks for you thoughts on the Land I will update!
I do have a couple of the Engulfing Slagwurms but as they are easily handled with removal I chose Vorinclex as at least I will gain a slight mana advantage temporarily and the Titan gives me the 2 lands also. I would definitely throw in some Beastmaster Ascensions for a modern deck... if I owned any. Just got back into MTG after a 10 year break about when New Phyrexia came out.
I am also interested in what the plan is for Havengul Lich is. Seems like it is only good to get guys back from the alchemy. Otherwise a solid looking deck, good job. No commetn on Mana as this is my weakest area :P Also please give me your opinion on my Standard Heartless Ramp deck if you have a minute. Thanks!
The U/B version is very strong, but why have you put Havengul Lich in this build? Is this simply to re-cast from graveyard? Also please give me your opinion on my Standard Heartless Ramp deck if you have a minute. Thanks!
Grave Titans are the worst Titan to use with Heartless as 1/1 Zombie tokens are just not as threatening. I think you should focus on the Sun and put in more targets to bring back (Perilous Myr) and this also goes with the burn from the Inferno's. Also please check out my Ramp Heartless if you have a minute. Thanks!
Great looking deck. Have you considered any tutor effects for getting that heartless or one of the big guys should you need a finisher? Also please give me your opinion of my Ramp version. Thanks!
Firstly, you don't have to repeatedly add the same guy just change the number in the box to the total you want in the deck. Next, get rid of grasp of darkness and a few doom blades for Feast of Blood. Much better removal with no color limitations added life gain. Also, drop any non-vampire creatures to make it easier to activate Feast of Blood. Replace them with Bloodghast (possibly best Vamp ever), more Nighthawks, Gatekeepers (good for mono black) and perhaps Child of Night for some life gain or probably better is Kalastria Highborn for damage and life gain. Other larger Vampires that are great are, Sagromancer if you want to keep some discard, Bloodlord of Vaasgoth, or Drana, Kalastria Bloodchief. One last suggestion, check out the new Red Vampires in Innistrad and Dark Acension. This is what BR Vampires can look like
I think Lingering Souls fits perfect here, 4 flying 1/1 spirits for 5 mana.
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