please let me know what you think of this deck. Please also let me know your opinion on what you think this deck needs and what needs to be taking out but this deck needs to be legal in a type 2 tournament.
i would help with reducing the size of this deck down to about 60 cards and I want to know what cards should i keep in the deck and what i should remove and if you think that there is a card that should be in this deck please let me know. This deck needs to be legal in a type 2 standard tournament.
How can I reduce this deck to 60 cards but must be legal for a type 2 tournament? What should be in the side deck?
Please help me by advising me how to reduce this deck down to 60 cards but it has to be legal in type 2 tournament. Please also advise me what you think should be in the side deck
Let me know what you think of this deck and any improvements to this deck.
Any ideas how how to improve this deck? What cards should be in the sidedeck? Should I keep this deck blue,black and green? Should I take out blue? Should I added some moan of unhallowed and another endless ranks of the dead? This deck is for a Type 2 tournament
Please let me know how to improve this deck and what cards should be in the sideboard.
My idea behind discilpe of griselbrand his ability works well with geralf messanger and if had 1 or more captians oiut i would gain life and also do life damage to my opponent. I understand what you mean with undead alchemist and if I was close to winning the game I would not play undead alchemist. What are your views on the card called Birthing Pod.
only got 3 of each.
how I can i reduce the number of cards in this deck. All cards in sideboard I have at least 3 copies of them. Any other suggestions on how to improve this deck please let me know. The deck has to be legal for a type 2 tournament.
This is a deck I plan to take to FNM and the tournament is type 2. What Improvements should I Make? What Cards Should be In my sidedeck.
This deck has too many cards. How would yous reduce the deck to around 60 cards just by using the cards in the deck and sideboard.
If i took out cellar doors,skaab goliath and skabb ruinator. Out of these cards which cards should i add to my deck Cackling Counterpart, Ghoulcallers Chant, Ghoulraiser, Moan of the Unhallowed, Abattoir Ghoul, Zombie Apocalypse, Night Terrors, Gruesome Discovery, Highborn Ghoul, Screeching Skaab, Chalice of Life, Geralf's Mindcrusher, Death's Caress, Curiosity, Increasing Ambition, Curse of Echoes, Rooftop Storm, Artful Dodge, Chant of the Skifsang, Forbidden Alchemy, Traveler's Amulet, Relentless Skaabs, Glaustrophobia.
let me know what you think of this deck and what changes you would make using innstrad and dark ascension.