You are probably correct - It restricts the card being discarded to 3 mana cost meaning you can't take out their key 4+ drops, but since it can target creatures I agree with you that I. of Kozilek is better than duress. However, it costs $5-$8 per copy, and since its not THAT much better than duress, I think it might be a less necessary swap and more of a streamlining choice, but I think it is a great suggestion!
I like this suggestion! Would you think its better than this quest card? Is a 1 drop as well and does a lot of dmg.
This is a very fun looking deck - it appears you have a amassed quite a nice collection of cards to make so many great EDH decks. Your other decks are just as fun & creative as this one and I look forward to seeing the rest!
Sounds like some sound advice - is rather expensive to get a good mana base now a-days. Trying right now to figure out how to make the creature base and instant/sorceries as strong as they can be for what this deck is trying to accomplish - kill their hands, kill the threats on the board, win with a few creatures.
I really like your deck! For ease of use perhaps you could throw the commander into your sideboard and explain that you have done such in your description so people can "lock-on" to the feel of your deck right off the bat!
Haha, yes I've given much thought to livewire lash - it is a fantastic card. Another one of my decks uses and abuses gelectrode - he with livewire lash or basalisk collar would be very deadly indeed. This is basically a turn 2/3/4 combo deck that needs to hit the cards right (or mulligan to 6 if you don't hit what you need) to kill the opponent before they get ANYTHING rolling, meaning livewire lash is too slow. Anyhow, good luck against your friends deck!
Gelectrode still untaps from flashinback lavadart
Great advice : D Thanks, I may try some of that mana rap/acceleration.
If you have a gelectrode on the table, being able to use flashback on the lava darts allows you to get 6 dmg (3 from lava darts, 3 from the gelectrodes). You can have zero cards in your hand and only 1 gelectrode on the table and deal 7 dmg (1 initially + 6 from the 3 lavadarts coming out of your graveyard) to someones face. I could easily replace them with something like lavaspike or lightning bolt but you get 4 dmg out of a flashbacked lava dart when you have a gelectrode for 1 mana and sacrificing a mountain (note - would only do the sacrificing for the winning dmg) which is equal to the 4 dmg from a lavaspike or lightning bolt (3 + 1 from gelectrode) but it can be split up better. I'm not sure if its really better than lightning bolt but I like having a variety.
Yeah Guttersnipe is one I have been considering, but as is you will usually have 1-2 creatures by turn 3 which is all this deck really needs to start doing it's thing via curiosity/tapping and untapping spells on the stack.
Thanks! Yeah they are great cards and the deck is really fun to play, especially for newer players...
I agree the curve is off - What would you recommend for 1 cost? Normally x4 Aether vial would be there etc.
Please let me know what you think! Any critique of card ratios and how to improve it without buying cards that each cost $20+ would be great!