lol. yeah it would be. yu-gi-oh in magic would be hilarious because of the really high power/defense (w/e) they have. and i did aknowledge the fact the pokemon uses energy. its the first comment i left. thanks for taking a look! : )
thats a very cool combo. i likey. +1
4 spectral shift. for the spinal villain
nice... +1
+1 by the way as well
4 Spinal Villain
why is at -2? its not a bad deck. it could use more creatures that dont die to pump up but thats about it. it may not be t2 legal but there isnt anything wrong with that. im +1ing this.
why thank you! : D
i see you finally made this deck. much better than mine. +1 from me. this looks like it will be pretty deadly!
i've always loved advocates. when ive used them, i never failed to really annoy my opponent (people find them exasperating). +1
huzzah!!!!! : D
alright. the problem with this deck is that it is too awesome. i would cut down on the awesomness a bit. it makes everyone look bad. +1000000000000000. that many
you need less "1 ofs" cards and more multiples. that will make the deck more consisitent. find the cards you need the most, put more of those in, and then take out the stuff you could go without.
kaboom! looks like a fun card. +1
FIRST DECK?!?! very very well done!!!!!! congrats!!! it's nice to see that you know to include multiples of cards instead of just putting in singles of every card like many new players do. totally +1 dragonskull summit is a great red/black land. and i would maybe take out the demon's horn for some lightning bolts or more discard cards though. very good start though.
hellz yeah!!!!!!
wow. very nice. +1
just asking cuz i saw some cards that arent type 2 legal like wild mongrel and slippery karst
need more multiples of cards to make it more consistent. get rid of the cards with domain. it doesn't make any sense whatsoever to have those if its a one color deck. and if its FNM, isnt this supposed to be standard (t2)?
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