just try to kill as much creatures as you can, discard for checking any possible threats, if he runs out of summonable creatures and the board is clear, just let phage slap him dead... hideous laughter should not be under estimated, it can wipe out a whole army of goblins, specially when patriarch's bidding is used and he attacks you with full force. barter in blood and innocent blood to counter any indestructible creeps.
actually ive considered white and toyed with it for a while i even did a blue white version... but the thing is, i have more fun with blue hehe its just a matter of preference I closed my eyes from those tempting wraths and akroma's vengeance I tried black with this, with all the possible creature removal but not all decks are creature based. plus blue has fabricate which forms kaldra alot quicker the deck has its weaknesses, i must admit that, but its fun and thats why i play ..
i see, mm all i can say that i like it..
You should keep in mind that a lot of cards can counter this trick...mmm maybe if i drop a sulfuric vortex? But I do like life gain decks, its just fun to see your opponent struggling to reduce your life while you just say, 'you done?'
umm its charming that you made a deck of total contradiction but it lacks synergy. Sure burn your opponent while you gain but you can't do two things at the same time, you don't have the pleasure of mana acceleration. But if you insist in a burn life gain deck then here are some cards you might wana use- spirit link(attach it to your tap damage creatures), disintegrate, tribal flame, well that's it for now...
Haha reminds me of some of my past blue deck ideas.. One thing that does bother me though is that you've got only 8 creatures with low s/t, some red or black decks could rid of those critters easily with only 1 or 2 mana available. SO MY POINT IS: get more kill cards that can fit in in a control type deck, try stalking stones or blinkmoth nexus and the like. Adding Evacuation could be also good for this deck, bouncing your opponent's creatures and recycling the abilities of your creatures...
great possibility of dead draws.. mm 28 lands? ahdunno... its good but i don't think its fast enough for a kill, considering that you don't have anything to get rid of your opponent's early threats...--something a dragon deck is supposed to have since its technically slow creature wise.----even if you do have the birds and elves...