looks good but not playable in standard and may have some trouble in extended but after the next rotation could be a very viable deck and may get some help with the new set.
Dont rely on the rack to much there are still a lot of ways to draw cards and they only need three lands or a deacopod to put the rack out of commision. I am not trying to kill your deck just make it better it is a good concept but needs more sure fire kills in the late game when they can start holding on to their lands in there hand and your discard starts to petter out. A deacopod aint afraid of ninilith but hates a big korlash. peace out bro From a pro.
The Hippies are great along with the rats and the Skulls.Mabie a uborgs tomb to work with the funeral charms to put a creature thru its a great feeling to know that you just sent 5 damage thru unblocked. Swamp walk kills and its better to make sure they have a swamp than hope they play one plus it can kill a weenie or kill a card and it stops all whites first strikes in the air and clears the way for a hippie and they take 2 and still discard at random.
ninilith costs to much and a teferi kills him korlash is better. Terror is more a side board and damniarion a main board to clear the way for a totem.Tenderals is a better creature kill for the edict and you get to chose and it can be used on your own creatures to save a game. Mabie a few diffrent lands to block some of the wenie decks like a pool. Distress is kind of weak expirate can look thru to know how the enemy works and kill 4 cards at a time and get some out of your opponents hand.