Yeah.... I'm trYing to stay under $30
Anything in JOU i should add?
I'm considering it. ;)
I did have some quickens in for a desperate draw and/or acceleration for curse of the swine or duress. I might put them back in because I need more draw. It is hard to balance a low curve deck between playing a lot of spells early and having an empty hand :/ I like the cluestones because I can play it turn three and then use that mana for the three 1 mana cards.
I thought about those, but they can't block the swan tokens. :/
Evolution of the deck is here:
Urban Evolution vs. Peregrination?
Also, I just figured out that Search the City won't trigger from Unexpected Results. (Cast and play are different). I could also shave a few lands.
I'm thinking of dropping Search the City. It isn't as useful without Misthollow Griffin. I am think of reworking this. Possibly dropping Search the City for Prophet of Kruphix. Thoughts?
With the addition of Doorkeeper, the elixir also shuffles my graveyard into my library so I can mill myself to whittle down my deck...which would increase my odds of unexpected results into the Colossus. I'm also thinking of putting in Worldspine Wurms in so I have better odds of having an 'expected result'.
Doorkeeper is in over murmuring phantasm :)
Elixir of Immortality is also in there to interact with Search the City. Plus it is cheap (mana and money wise). Jace would be a great fit though...
Scrying Sheets?
Wall of omens and plains are for tomorrow is in!
The problem with return to the owner's hand is that after shared fate is out and they play it against the bomb I 'draw' from their deck, it goes to their hand. For now I'm moving it to the sideboard and trying explore, which is good to manamorphose into, of course.
You could swap fluctuator for some lightning rifts instead. Also, gempalm incinerator?
Needs to be modern legal though. Thinktwice?
Any card you can think of? It cantrips and can disrupt your foe's manabase, but if it is played on me from shared fate, it isn't devastating. I was think coiling oracle, but I wouldn't want that played against me later...
Help me with lands. I am not good at them.
I'm trying to keep it modern legal. I'll maybe swap 2 platinums for the other. Good idea!
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