You may want to add a few Pacifisms to the deck to help out with the early game stalling. Because this deck doesn't seem to be good at staling until you reach about turn 4-5. It would be helpful because then you wouldn't be as reliant on having Path to Exile in the early game.
Actually, you may want to keep Coastal Piracy around, maybe keep 2 of them, and then get rid of 1 Curiosity and one Artful Dodge for a few counter spells.
Personally, I think Coastal Piracy is unnecessary; Curiosity, along with the number of creatures you have that allow you to draw when they deal damage should be enough. Having Coastal Piracy would give you a ridiculous amount of draw power. But I think it's unnecessary with what you already have, and that you would be better off swapping it out with something like Mana Leak, or some other cheap counter spell.
I would say that Thraben Doomsayer, Thraben Inspector, and Ulvenwald Mysteries are unnecessary. You don't need clue tokens, and the cost of their ability will just dilute your mana since you don't have any mana ramp, and some of your better cards are sort of pricey. Plus, with how much your deck will be buffing your humans, not many of them should be dying so you won't be getting to use Ulvenwald Mysteries that much.And, by cutting cards out of your deck you won't have to rely on that draw power as much anyway.Hope this helps.
I would consider running a few more kill spells and counter spells, since you have to stall until you can get your big creatures onto the field. After all, unblockables really aren't that good at defending.Otherwise, this looks really fun.
Considering that you are using Dreamborn Muse, have you considered Psychic Spiral?
I wouldn't put in Sands of Delirium, usually mill cards with an X cost aren't worth it. Also, you might want to consider Curse of the Bloody Tome if you haven't already. Grindclock might also be worth considering.On the topic of what to take out, Jace's Erasure isn't really that good of a card, so that could be substituted if need be, otherwise this looks like a pretty decent mill deck.
Clever name, I like it.
Thanks for the suggestion!
This is an interesting spin on infect, though I personally prefer making infect creatures unblockable and then pumping them up.
You should replace the rampant growths and/or cultivates for more manaweft slivers and/or gemhide slivers (mana ramp/search is pointless if you have them out). Syphon sliver is also a must have in a sliver deck, and Ancient Ziggurat is also a good land to have, and you may want to consider venom sliver. Otherwise this deck looks pretty good.
This looks like a lot of fun.
Thank you!
Except that I would never take a hand without an island. And I don't have a good reason to include Cellar Door because I have Lich Lord of Unx, I get zombies for less mana and it's guaranteed. unlike Cellar Door.
Thanks for the suggestions!
If this deck didn't cost 50 dollars I would buy it just because.
No, not really.
Yeah it is.
Yeah but with kithkins, at least in my opinion it doesn't matter as much what card you specifically get, with the exception of a few (like Wizened Cenn). It more matters that you get a lot of creatures out, which ones specifically doesn't actually matter as long as a few of them are the ones you really need (again, like Wizened Cenn, Ballyrush Banneret, etc.).
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