I agree with the person. I love the idea of this deck, however if you use only guildgates, you will always be one mana behind, and that doesn't help you with the curve you have.
In response, Path to Exile. lol It's just silly. Here's my Casual Adaptation of Dark Depths. It can run other combos and stuffs just incase Dark Depths get's thrown out the window. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=411568
What do you mean?
If you are really keen to sticking the with idea of making Saprolings with Korozda, then Scavenge might be your best bet. However, if you are just looking for a B/G Aggro deck, I might be able to offer better advice. Scavenge Approach: Add in Deadbridge Goliath or Dreg Mangler to reuse their attack power with Scavenge, thusly aiding pumping up your creatures. You could also add Wild Defiance or Titanic growth to pump up your creatures even further. Aggro: If you are just looking to be aggro, add in Arbor Elfs, Wolfir Silverheart, Wolfir Avenger, Strangleroot Geist, Hinterland Harbor, Overgrown Tomb. That'll definitely be more beneficial in an aggro approach..
It's Standard...
I thought about putting Conjurer's Closet in this deck for it's continuous blinking abilities, however I hate that it costs 5 mana to use :/ I am still thinking about putting Cloud Shift in this deck, but I dunno what to replace it with.
I can honestly say that you're the one who got me to love Keyrunes. I worked everything you said (Haven't made changes in MTGvault yet). But I cannot find a place for the Runes. What would you swap for them?
It's not that I wouldn't mind splashing a third color, I just think that it would make this deck slower, however I am open to options. I was thinking about putting Serra Avatar in, but that seven mana cost is making me not wanting to do so. Thanks for your opinions!
Restoration Angel is in here because of her flicking abilities, and because she is a good flier. I am considering Cloudshift, but I am still trying to figure out what I'd want to drop for that, and or if I want to side board it. Ajani's Pridemate, Goldenglow Moth, and Pride Guardian are not standard unfortunately :/ Healer of the Pride is a nice card, but it's mana cost is too much for it's ability. Also, I realized that I never stated that this is supposed to be a standard deck. Will' add that to the description :) Thanks for your opinions!
I agree with you with Hero's Reunion. I originally placed it in the deck because I thought it was a pretty viable card. 7 life for two mana- I was okay with that. I'll try replacing them with the Cathedral Sanctifiers and see' how that works out. Once I played a few games with this deck, I realized how much it sucks to draw a mana dork in mid-lategame. I like them in because they can jump start the early game, but that's their only use. I thought about replacing the Gatecreeper's for Farseeks, I might end up doing that. Also I see how useful Elixir could be, so I will more than likely replace some mana dorks for them. Goldnight Redeemer does cost a lot, but she can be helpful. I thought about Angel of Jubilation, but I kinda shrugged that off to the side. In the end, she serves as a flier that can help out from being flown over. Then again, Sigarda would probably be better. I don't think Entreat fits this deck too well. I did think about Terminus to stabilize the board in case my opponent builds his board too quickly, but I still don't know where I'd place that. I would probably place the Selesnya Charm in the sideboard. I wouldn't mind playing it in main, but where? Thought about Grove, but I kept Gavony instead. Still deciding whether the was a good idea our not. This deck can work on it's own, but I am trying to make it better. I want to be able to take this to a competitive environment and at least stand a chance, while throwing all the other GW players off. Haha. Thanks for your opinion!
Elixir and Fog are both options that I have considered. If I decided on Fiend Hunter, I'm not quite sure what I would replace from main to place him in. I like the Acidic Slime/Cloud Shift, but again that seems more like a side board thing. I'm not too sure.. I love the concept of this deck. When Chalice comes out and WORKS, it's so much fun. You are 100% about the O-rings thought, it does bring a lot of attention to itself. Hehe. Thanks for your opinion!
I like the look of this deck Poet. This comment is really asking about your sideboard. Have you considered using Pithing Needle in replace of Nevermore? I know both cards have their differences. Nevermore stops a card from being cast, and Pithing stops abilities from activated. If you sided Nevermore, what would you usually name? I would think that Pithing would be more reliable in the sense that it could be a viable one drop that can shut down Planeswalkers, Gesit of Saint Traft, and probably a handful of others. Just want some feedback from you. I have a GWU deck with Nevermore in the side, and I have been wondering if I should change it with Pithing. Also, if you could be as so kind to check out my Chalice of Life and Death deck and give me some feedback, I would be ever grateful!
Why no Nefarox, Overlord of Grixis?
I like this deck's idea, but I think I am missing something. How are you putting Jin-Gitaxias into the grave at the beginning of the game? If the goal was to discard him with Gemstone, and reanimate, you cant do that because Gemstone removes it from the game. I mean, the only real combo I can see with that requires Gemstone out, playing Dark Rit to cast Buried Alive or Entomb, discarding Jin, then playing reanimate. That is probably what you meant, but it seems like that hand would have to be pretty lucky to pull that off consistently.
I'm trying to work on a UB Mill deck that revolves around Liliana of the Dark Realms' Ultimate and some other cards. I would love some criticism and help. Thanks! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=382051
So I loaded up this deck on Cockatrice is this is my complaint with this deck: Against aggro decks, more times than not, this deck gets overrun before it even has a chance to shine. Too many a time I get mana screwed or mana flooded, and it's not particularly better when your opening hand is filled with nothing but I casting cards, and only one or two mana. Like I said however, there were a few times that I was able to pull off that Venser combo, and it was so much fun; at that point my opponent was locked down. I don't know how this could be improved, and I am not bad mouthing this build at all, I am only stating my experience of playing this.
Can't have more than 4 of Sanctuary Cat or Black Cat.. Hope this is a joke..