
9 Decks, 56 Comments, 4 Reputation

Personally i would recommend taking out Butcher of Malakir and replace it with Vampire Nighthawks...Vampire Nighthawks have got to be one of the best Vampires ever printed...Also if you want some Vampire fun put in Vampire's Bite...i would recommend putting Coat of Arms to the sideboard and maybe replace it with Blade of the Bloodchief its an amazing Vampire booster...maybe remove Rise from the Grave its just not helping this deck at all and same with Mind Shatter id recommend taking that out also unless your going to benefit from them discarding cards like if you had Lelianna Caress or something...Id add in Go For The Throat personally as a removal

Check out my vampire deck if you want its called The Vampire Diaries

Posted 25 September 2011 at 19:22 as a comment on Lifely Vampire


I found that this deck is extremely good when playing 1v1 but when i was playing 3v3 i could easily deal with one person but by the time i was done that the other player had enough mana and creatures where my Mana Leak/Spell Peirce would just be useless by than.

I need to include more spells that dont require the opponent to pay mana to counter my spell like Negate.

Posted 23 September 2011 at 17:51 as a comment on Realm of the Ilusions


I would even recommend bumping up Vampire Bite to even 4, and i agree about taking out Guul Draz Assassin it just doesnt work right now, i recommend adding Gatekeeper of Malakir its a good drop with a nice kicker and would work well with your Bloodchief Acession combo. I personally love running Vampire Hexmage and equipping Basilisk Collar giving it First-strike deathtouch-lifelink its pretty brutal and could help get more cards into your opponents graveyard to help out accession. Just an idea for now.

check out my vampire deck its called The Vampire Diaries

Posted 23 September 2011 at 04:17 as a comment on Vampire deck Please comment!


I have to agree with DarkJesper on this one.

You have to really focus this deck you have all these cards going everywhere. You need to think about what you want your deck to do. It seems like you just combined infect/vampires.

I would just take Pirahna Marsh out one of them in there useless you might as well just use swamps and bump your swamps up to 20 at least!

For creature wise i would recommend taking out the rats, bumping Vampire Nighthawk up to 4, maybe even Gatekeeper Malakir for some nice removal, increase child of night to 4, vampire hexmage to 2, remove Drana it doesnt really work in this deck.

Your enchantments should all be taken out they just dont work at all with this deck same with your artifact i recommend taking it out and putting in Blade of the Bloodchief, even Basilisk Collar. Basilisk Collar gives your creature deathtouch and lifelink and the equipment cost is the same as Flayer Husk.

For your seplls bump up your Vampires Bite to 4, bump up your Feast of Blood to 4, take out your deathmark and move it into the sideboard..remove rise from the grave and diabolic tutor...remove duress and include either Inquisition of Kozelik or Distress...maybe keep blood tribute or even move it to the sideboard...virulent swipe is pretty good touch maybe even bump that up to 2 or 4 would work.

Just some quick thoughts was all.

Posted 23 September 2011 at 04:10 as a comment on Vampire's Bite


Oh and maybe add in some Mana Leaks thats like one of the best counter spells ever from blue and your not running it!

Posted 23 September 2011 at 03:51 as a comment on Draw my vampires


Why not add Creeping Tar Pit? I know it enters the battlefield tapped but after that you can make him become a 3/2 unblockable which could throw off some people.

Posted 23 September 2011 at 03:49 as a comment on Draw my vampires


Yeah i was thinking of that too, that way i can lower my deck to 60 but i rather keep my Steel Hellkite/Wurmcoil Engine because they are really useful and treasure mage is in there to find my big artifacts. Grand Architect is in there to pump up my illusions while also summoning my big artifacts. Adaptive Automaton is in there also to bump up my illusions more.

Posted 23 September 2011 at 03:17 in reply to #202111 on Realm of the Ilusions


DarthxMTGx the illusions wont be targeted ergo no sacrificing them. Grand Archtiect says other blue creatures get +1/+1 it doesnt say target blue creature gets +1/+1. And same with his second ability where you tap an untapped blue creature you control to get 2 colorless mana for artifact wont sacrifice the illusions because it isnt targeting the illusion. That way your Illusions get a +1/+1 boost from Grand Architect pretty helpful with the Lord of the Unreal out.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 21:56 in reply to #182469 on Illusions for FNM?


Great deck it works really well with each other, everything has a purpose in this deck. I was wondering is Spell Peirce rolled out or can you use it in tournaments?

Posted 22 September 2011 at 19:19 as a comment on Illusive Illusions


BradleyJonMoss Steel Hellkite and Wurmcoil are pretty good in an illusion deck. You can use Grand Architects ability to tap 3 blue creatures (including himself) to pull both of them out on turn three. Steel Hellkite is pretty good due to his ability to clear the board for a straight attack for your illusions and keep doing it each turn. Wurmcoil Engine is good because you can copy it with Phantasmal Image and it becomes an illusion and gets the +1/+1 boost and becomes 7/7 and if put into the graveyard is turned into a 3/3 deathtouch and 3/3 lifelink. But i agree with everyone else Precursor golem doesnt belong in there same with porcelain legionnairre, Spined Thopter and Aether Adept if you are only using that card for its ability take them out and just put Unsummons in.

I recommend putting in 2 more Grand Architects, 3 more Lord of the Unreals, 3 more Phantasmal Images, maybe try out Adaptive Automaton..remove those glacial fortresses and stuff and just use islands it would just be a lot better. I also recommend adding in Spell Peirce and replacing Preordain with Ponder. Drop the Mind Control down to 2 and you would be set.

I have an illusion deck if you want to check it out its called Realm Of The Illusions.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 18:31 in reply to #200988 on Illusionary Might Event Deck


Great deck, its kinda similiar to mine. Everything works well and its simple to the point.

My deck is called Realm of the Illusions if you want to check it out.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 18:20 as a comment on Illusionn Aggro Control


Id recommend moving the Coat of Arms to the side board and including Adaptive Automaton it would really help your deck alot and boost your illusion creatures. Id also take out Phantasmal Abomination and put in 1 more Phantasmal Dragon and 1 more Lord of the Unreal.

I also recommend adding in 4 Mana Leak and take out cancel. Maybe include in 4 Spell Peirce also.

Just some helpful ideas but its up to you other than that its a really nice deck.

I run an illusion deck called Realm of the Illusions if you want to check it out.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 06:12 as a comment on illusion


Just an idea but id recommend putting Mana Leak and more counterspells into your main board because once you lose your Lord of the Unreal your out of luck with your illusions.

Check my deck if you want:

Posted 22 September 2011 at 05:57 as a comment on Illusion Aggro


Hey Jwilliams2, just some helpful ideas if your going to run an illusion deck you need to have Lord of the Unreal. It gives your illusions hexproof (Phantasmal Bear/Phantasmal Image) and gives them a +1/+1 boost. I also recommend taking out Brainstorm and Mental Misstep they just dont work with this deck in my opinion. Id also increase your Mana Leak to 4 and include 4 Spell Peirce. Those are just some suggestions for your deck but its all up to you.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 05:51 as a comment on Illusions


I agree with agnorak262 Steel Hellkite is pretty good you could wipe the board soo easily with him. I like your deck a lot, it is a blue/black illusion control which is decent i was deciding on doing that but i was not sure about it i cant seem to lower my deck to 60 cards. Feel free to take a look at my deck if youd like to.

Posted 22 September 2011 at 05:11 as a comment on (B/B) BlueBerry Illusion


Love your deck man, everything has great synergy, great combo's
I created a tribal vampire deck but im having trouble narrowing it down to a 60-75 card deck.
Would you mind taking a look at it and offering your suggestions?

Posted 21 September 2011 at 22:16 as a comment on Edward's bitch ass aint got shit on this


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