
0 Decks, 3 Comments, 3 Reputation

You rock planestalker. Thanks so much

Posted 10 August 2011 at 08:22 as a comment on Broken Combos Deck- Legacy Version


Hello planestalker,

First off, big fan of a lot of your deck builds. This one in particular was super clever. I have a question about the infinite any color mana combo. When argothian elder attacks his ability doesn't activate, so untapping him with maze of ilth wont do anything as far as I can tell. I see how the combo would work with wire wood liege but not maze of ilth. Just wondering if you could enlighten me. Thanks, and keep up the awesome deck building.

Posted 09 August 2011 at 08:31 as a comment on Broken Combos Deck- Legacy Version
