i run something like this you need some day of judgements, and journey to nowheres gideon makes any white deck 10 times better and elsepth is good cuz with honour of the pure your making 3 two,two or you can you should prob have 4 of every creature. hope that helps
doesnt the metaphor' ability kill your illusions when it comes in??
ummm goblin wardrvers and goblin guides are good. and burst lightning is better than shock.
would you go black with this kind of deck?
i wanted to make a deck like this but add some black for tutors and removal. do you find you can win without the lord?
put hedron crabs and archive traps.
i like the idea of the surge node with the golem foundry and titan forge. very well done. i dont see why you have the arcbound overseer though. your just making your deck not standard. i think u need to take out some of the myrs and put some removal in like journeys or dispacthes.
hey thats a great idea thanks :)
20 lands? that seems kind of unsafe to me :/ im kind of a new player. i will deck test this with 24 and 20 land. and see the reuslts :)
stoneforge mystic and jace the mind sculptor have been banned in standard. the only exception with stoneforge mystic is the new phyrexia event . where u can play the event deck with stoneforge but it has to be the same EXACT event deck
its mostly the glint hawks, the skyfishers and the memnites giving me counters. i was thinking of putting more skyfishers but i might have a hand with only skyfishers :3 so yah. and yes i know. the tokens dont give me counters. the volt charges do though ;)
nice deck!
really? doesnt the legendary creature rule not apply for clones? oh well. their there for chancellors and blister grub i guess.
i might just put in some plague myr and some ichor myr
has this deck been succesful? im considering using it in my hobby shop league
its like the event deck ahahha, but better, i run one like this. its basically the event deck with goblin chieftains lols
is it actually? aww thats bull
i like it, i suggest a path to exile in replace of those journey to nowhere.
lool yeee true :)
awesome! my infect deck sucks :p
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