Maybe: Bloodmark Mentor
And: Cavern of souls Blinding Souleater Suture Priest
Considering: Balduvian War-Makers Brand of Ill Omen Balduvian Hydra Balduvian Trading Post Balduvian Warlord Kamahl, Pit Fighter Jeska, Warrior Adept Balthor the Stout Hellkite Charger Tahngarth, Talruum Hero Moonveil Dragon Savage Beating Breath of Fury Aggravated Assault Fury of the Horde Relentless Assault War-Spike Changeling Shared Animosity
Considering: Field of Souls Genju of the Fens Promise of Bunrei Seance Spirit Cairn Spirit Loop Aether Shockwave Beckon Apparition Midnight Haunting Seize the Soul Spectral Possession Thunder Totem Gods' Eye, Gate to the Reikai Blinking Spirit Crawling Filth Flickering Spirit Gallows Warden Gibbering Kami He Who Hungers Kami of Empty Graves Kami of Lunacy Kami of Tattered Shoji Kami of the Palace Fields Kyoki, Sanity's Eclipse Pus Kami Torii Watchward Twilight Drover