also why porcelain legionare?
Also if on mtg (where dismember is 5 bucks) victim of night,go for the throat,and maybe geths verdict if u think u can keep the creature count down
In modern I would play dismember on a Budget non budget hero's downfall is strictly better
Why murder?
What is Pentagram?
Not saying its bad, it would actually rock in my casual group, but it does not stand a chance in modern
It's mainly a casual deck, no offense Julian this combo just takes way to much mana way to slowly Without much disruption
It's hard 2 stack on mtgo
Unless budget would add fetch and shock lands
This deck would be a lot more powerfully if you used other sets that are in standard , just saying
i know, im a big 2 of guy i also really dont like akroma
i would put 1 more myr in and take out 1 more akroma
yeah i would say so sorry been distracyed lately so was not able 2 respond
now if i could only remember the name of it....
pewdiepie is a the most popular youtuber that is one of the reasons smaller channels get no views / subs
so your saying northy is the pewdiepie of mtg?
no it said opponet i know because i was beat by it in magic onlind
i would add restoration Angel
well budget thing has gone down but before northy left it was ridiculous, it was almost like if you did not make a budget deck your deck would never be seen on hot list
howling mine could be usefull and that owl idol card
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