Like you saw with my deck I would recommend Garruk, Primal Hunter for his draw ability. If you would rather not use him then you might also consider Triumph of Ferocity it's G2 Enchantment draw another card if you control or tie for the strongest creature on the field. Another one that might be a good one of is Reforge the Soul. RR3 or a miracle of R1 each player discards their hand and draws 7 new cards. If you take this to FNM post on my deck on tappedout and let me know how you did. People in my meta were terrified of it. The biggest problem you'll find with the deck though is Cyclonic Rift and Azorius Charm. I can win on turn 3 with this deck. The only reason I noticed I could was because it happened on Friday.Turn 1 Temple Garden or Stomping Ground and Arbor Elf.Turn 2 any dual land and Burning-Tree Emissary Infernal Plunge Sac Burnimg-Tree Emissary Thundermaw Hellkite 5 damage turn 2.Turn 3 another land Infernal Plunge Untap the tapped land with Arbor Elf Sac Arbor Elf Aurelia, the Warleader 16 damage turn 3.Add on the 5 from turn 2 and that's 21 damage.Hope it treats you as well as it treats me.Your sideboard is great. I'm gonna use some if you don't mind. It's gonna be more focused around my meta though. More specifically my roommate. Lol.
I actually made this deck a little over a month ago and I hit it quite often whether it be a turn 2 Thundermaw or Thragtusk. And you can turn 3 win with this as well. I did it at FNM.