Oh... and yeah... I know... the deck's confused... I think that I'm trying to be ready for too many contingencies... as one of the people I'm playing against currently has several dozen decks to work with... and I only have the one... Once I get some more cards, this will likely change often.
I am going more toward direct damage... I'll have to see about getting some cheaper instants... I have a rather limited selection at the moment... and as far as the creatures go... I'm concentrating more on spirits... but with my limitations, I don't have many low cost spirits at the moment... Please feel free to give me some ideas for these so that I know what to look for when I get to go card shopping.
Please, before commenting, keep in mind that this deck is my first... and is still a work in progress... I started with a Saviors of Kamigawa precon, and tweaked it some... then tweaked it again... and again... I'm still trying to figure out the mana problem, (mana starved, then mana flooded... then mana starved again...X-(...). But, please, feel free to tell me what you think. I am fairly open to suggestion.