got enough dig there?
Never underestimate Grave Titan
Yeah, I'm seriously gonna miss zen fetch lands by far in all my decks and bushwhacker made paying 2 mana extremely worth it, if i could choose to lose 1 i'd part with the guide over these 2 honestly /rip zendikar my main concern was the overall speed of current meta-game until I got this deck back into speedy commission. now that lack of overall speed in meta is gonna be to my advantage, I have really high hopes for this design and I hope to see it succeed.
The mana base is fine actually, as long as my opening hand has 1-2 lands i'm good to go, and 4 contested warzones; if you've playtested it enough, you would find is a very bad idea in this kind of a deck, you need that red mana source and war zone isn't something you need every game, it;'s just a perk when you come across it and not always used because it technically uses up 2 mana, i mainly use it when i have nothing to play really, not too focused on as a win condition. if you don't get kuldotha first, it's fine, helps out a bit but just means i'm getting a turn 4 win probably so just a little slower is all. shrine is actually too slow for this deck believe it or not. stormblood actually see's little play here, mainly because my other 1 drops take precedence most times, and he only really see's play if it's gonna be a turn 4 win
Again, sorry for the rude snappy reply that was really not becoming of me. Feel free to suggest anything or talk plain strategy, deck building is probably 50% of the reason I have loved this game for the past 3 years.
Yeah, I put a lot of time into play testing and going back to the drawing board as many times as it takes until i'm satisfied, although I don't claim 100% credit for this deck, the original design for my old pre-innistrad standard RDW came from my good friend bluthndr27. A few weeks before the cycle I began working on new standard deck lists and then we collaborated a bit on each of our ideas, this deck actually saw about 9 different forms until it many were scrapped and it reached this form. The reason for the 3 mox's are most time's you want to run into more than 1 and running into metal craft turn 1 can be a HUGE boost to your speed and firepower also, if you run into 2 you can have that metalcraft mana boost and also tap itself to pay for a kuldotha rebirth, then play the second opal for more mana.
-sigh- sorry man, kinda caught me at a bad time, with no sleep what so ever. I was just always afraid of sharing my decks with others besides close friends because I've always been extremely against net decking and I just want everyone to be original. But yeah, I guess everyone could use help every once and awhile, thanks for not blowing up on my rude reply.
False, I feel you're gravely mistaken by that comment sir. I purposely have my decks as work in progress because I don't need outside comments other than from my friends. Please keep your thoughts to yourself, i'm highly capable of determining what will work and what will not on my own, thank you.
it doesn't count 0 mana cost cards, and i consider vault skirge 1 mana So 0: 7 1: 28 2: 7 And I have no 3 mana's so i dunno wtf it's getting that from also, I was thinking of taking out 4 lands and replacing them with Gitaxian Probe's, after 2 lands, i no longer need it, i just need more deckthining/things to play
Thanks, I hadn't seen that. still kinda rare like the old RDW but at least it has the potential, but I was only speaking from playtesting so far, hopefully I can hit a T2 win at a tourney, would love that ;P Also, i'm missing 1 curse and 1 Noble so ima buy those along with a set of matching full art zendikar mountains now. I think this deck is finished and ready to go kick ass
It's called 0 equip cost from puresteel