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As a Big fan of Caw-Blade, and after much success with it I've decided to make my attempt at a new Blade deck since the Caw part has rotated. So below you will see what Ive stated working one. Edit: added in mindshriker it is an unbelive able card
This deck has been viewed 31,399 times.
Nice deck. The new caw-blade it appears haha. Not quite sure on the 1 blade splicer, might as well add another image or trepanation blade. Could use some help on my UW deck if you could.
I know not sure how this is going to run. I like blade splicer a lot, i may end up taking it out and adding in more images'. This is just a first draft new caw blade lol. I already miss my old Caw blade deck.
haha. i really wanted to help you out on your deck, like you did mine. But I find that your deck seems to be good the way it is. The only thing i can think of is to take out 1 moorland and add another ghost quarter or inkmoth. Moorland is a great card, but with only 13 creatures in your deck and 2 sun titans, I feel like the the moorland will just sit there. Thats really all i can think of.
Good call your right I don't have that many creature's so I'll play 4 ghost quarter's, i may end up switching up and going with the Inkmoth's,
4 ghost quarters may be a little much i say side one or 2, not everyone is going to be running inkmoth with this new rotation
I want some snapcasters, but i feel like there some hype surronding them, and i might just wait to see if the price falls, kinda like sword of war and peace went for 30ish and now its 15ish. At least im hoping. lol
I have every card (snapcasters pre-orderd ) for this deck just trying to see what build i want to run. They will drop but not as much as everybody is anticipating.
Yeah, your probably right. I mean everyone who runs blue wants them, from vintage to standard. But ill turn a blind eye for now...
Alright, so first of all, there are a few things here that seem like you're still in the transition state between new standard and old standard.. primarily being concecrated sphinx. Great card, no doubt, but he's really unneeded in u/w nowadays. But why? Well, a multitude of reasons. It's now a slower format. Before consecrated sphinx met valakut's demise... but valakut no longer exists anymore. Sure, he's great in the control mirror, but so are forbidden alchemy!! TRUST ME, this card is stupid good. lets say you need 1 card.. well, on their end of turn, you alchemy, and dig 4 cards deep. Then you have your draw phase... you get to look down 5 cards (1/12th of the deck) for ONE card... in which you'd probably run multiples of, so your chances are even greater! And then with snapcaster mage it gets dumb. So my point being; take out the sphinx, lol. on another note, if you're tied down with budget restraints, and can only afford to really cash into 2 snap daddies, I perfectly understand. I have to starve myself to keep my lunch money in order to buy the cards I need (Lol, what a life), but if you're without budget restraints, use 4. Why? Well... he makes every non-permanent better. Just trust me. And he carries a sword :D So now, what of caw blade.... well, there are a few cards that aren't exactly caw blade in this deck, and said cards are the 2 sun titan and 2 phantasmal images. I know that may sound weird, coming from the guy who plays the combo religiously, but I use them for tempo. Tempo's good... so why wouldn't you want to use them? well simply because sword of feast and famine is tempo in itself. By using these 4 card slots, you're eliminating possible cards that could aid with your already solid tempo! I could see 1 sun titan, but 1 max. You really want to hit either a gideon or a sword. (and on that note, gids should be a 3 of) Trepanation blade is a card I've yet to reallly test with. In pre-release it was amazing! But so were 3 mana 2/2 fliers... (see my point?) I think you'd be better off with the 3rd sword. For tempo, as mentioned above. I'm a day of judgment whore... I just love killing EVERYTHING! hahaha, and in a deck that (should) only be featuring 8-9 creatures, the card shines so well. so, so, so, so well. So, now here comes one of the most debated creatures of the set.... invisible stalker -.- Yes, this card with a sword is bonkers. Yes, he's a pain to get rid of. Yes, he's unblockable... but what is he without the sword? a threat? hardly. and that's where he lacks luster. Yes, yes, he can get stupid, but why would you use a card that depends solely on the use of another card? :/ I guess it's a matter of opinion, but there are so many card choices that carry sword exceptionally well, and have practical uses outside of their sword wielding capabilities! mainly mirran crusader, or even blade splicer. mirran crusader is a solid choice in the new meta features rampant black decks, alongside the new green werewolves. also skinshifter and dungrove elder are seeing a lot more play. like I said, it's strictly your choice, but were it my choice I'd probably just be running 4 snapcaster, 1 sun titan. and a secret card ; ] if you do include 4 copies of snapcaster, spice it up a bit with some practical one ofs. disperse is good, visions of beyond is godly, dismember could be cut to 1, and oring could be cut to 2 main, 1 board. mainly due to the fact it's anti synergetic with snapcaster. So I hope I helped, and if you have any questions, fire away. (:
As always I love the ideas you come across. The Sphinx you make a really valid point i really don't need that much to seeing as i don't have the harsh decks of the old standard to deal with. So for Now i'll cut him to one. Snap caster is a nasty animal, and No money is not really and Object I can get 4 snapcasters. So that being said I'll re-work this a bit. I do like that forbidden alchemy that seems like a really, good card. And yes DOJ im a whore on that to, I was just testing a build with it seems ok , but as I commented on runner's deck I find myself only getting screwed by that card more then not. So yes I'll be ending up with just my DOJ's no Divine. IDK about the stalker yet as you said he does AMAZING with a sword, and to ur other point since ive been testing, i have not had many games where i got that combo out so to say the least im still in the air on that. As always I really appreciate all the feedback and to say the least my deck usually end up better with the comments you have given, thanks again.!
no worries man, whatever happens fill me in! i'm on the edge in regards to invisible stalker as well
Ok as good as the stalker is its didn't work that well. I have been running mindshreeker and midnight haunting and that has been so good for me.
Like i stated in a similar type of deck, Stony Silence in the sideboard will conflict with the Swords, as you cant equip them with Stony Silence out.
i agree. if you wish to hit birthing pod hard, use torpor orb instead (:
Awe Torpor Orb that's a good card i like it i, and ya when i first saw stony silence i was like yes total pod shut down but didn't think about that it did it to my artifacts to.
But the Archon of Justice still exiles Torpor Orb, they can't exile Stony Silence because there's no sac outlet...(Keep Torpor Orb)
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Nice U/W deck! I would consider Angelic Destiny over Trepanation Blade, since it's a little bit more reliable, plus there is plenty of artifact hate going on in standard right now. Other than that, I like the direction you're going with this. If you wouldn't mind, could you take a look at my U/W I've made for standard? It's fairly similar to yours, and I'm really trying to get it totally smoothed out. Thanks!
Have you considered Midnight Haunting for this deck? It's about as close as you can get to Squadron Hawk in standard right now, I think.
See now I have been looking at that card. I was thinking if the stalker didn't work I would try running a spirit varient of the deck. Add in some doomed travelers and the midnight haunting. But im going to test this build throughly before I really expand into other variants of the blade.
Awe yes im going to add Nevermore In place of orb.
Wow, nice man this has changed a lot since i last seen it. Maybe you should try couple Midnight haunts instead of phantasmal image. You can bring it back with snapcaster and will have plenty to block and equip with. I started a new U/W design and was hoping you check this one out too...
I will test it with Spirits, then i can call it Spirit-Blade :P. and i'll look at ur deck.
just some cool thoughts.... possiblys are 1st and they are angelic destiny and mentor of the meek... definites are- venser he makes snapecaster and titan a little better and skabb ruinator is a badass hope i helped nice deck you should check this out and HELP me with it!
Mentor of the Meek, haha i just bought me a play set yesterday lol. I was thinking damn this will come in handy with this deck. So yes I will be adding that into this deck as a main board card because it's going to be awesome card draw.
Here is a question. Isn't having Moorland Haunt with a Sun Titan kind of contradictory? I mean if you have the titan out and are using it to return target permanent card with converted mana cost 3 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield? I would imagine that you would want to keep the creatures you have in your graveyard for that reason.
Yes i know its defeating the purpose of sun titan but since theres only one in this build, the odds of drawing him when i need him is slim. So i added the Moreland Haunt is another win condition or creature condition. Now if the titan is out I want be sacking stuff i cant bring back, but it hes not i'll be using it as need pretty much.
Sacking stuff you cant bring back? There are only 2 permanents you cant bring back from the grave. Sphinx and Gideon. With those numbers, why not have 2 titans in there? there are only 19 cards you cannot return from the grave. With Sun Titan's ability, you could keep bringing cards like phantasmal image back from your graveyard as a copy of sun titan and then bring another card back because it copied sun titans ability. On next turn, attack with the sun titan and its clones, to bring back 2 or more permanents. Sun Titan + Phantasmal Image= crazy good combo.
You're never going to use Moorland Haunt, ever. And it only taps for colorless. < _ < Almost every deck I've seen that has it "just in case" is NEVER going to benefit from it, ever. Put in 1 more Sun Titan so you can bring your stuff back, and put in more useful lands. You already have 7 lands that produce colorless not including the Moorland Haunt, I wouldn't overdo it.
And the Sun Titans can bring back the Ghost Quarter's.
I could use suggestion and comments on this new deck please.
In limited the stalker might be insane with some equipment. However in constructed you have better options that are more consistent. Snapcaster mage is most likely to be the replacement in caw blade.
Did you get the name from the comment on Invisible Stalker on the Gatherer?
No I was just looking at it the release and was like hmm sword of feast and famine .... awe invisa blade.
Why not run a few evil twins also? Slightly higher cost, put copy an opponents card, then destroy it with Evil Twin's affect
There isn't any black in the deck =P
Nice deck!.. Consecrated Sphinx is nasty for card draw... Here, Check out mine!
man you got serious mana probs in there inkmoths are not the way to go simplifiy your mana base and you will do much better with this deck still a awesome deck rate me back
The like mana base is fine. If anything I could drop out the mooreland haunt. The inkmoths are amazing when I need a blocker. I have never once been mana screwed since playing this deck. Thanks for the comment.
The Haunt could definitely be replaced with 1 of each basic, to make sure you have the right colors. My Human/Token deck has 18 (or 19) color lands, then 4 utility lands(one is for one of them to work :P)
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Get the negates out of the main board, dissapate or snapcaster can come in to replace it.
Negate is so good it saved me so many times. Thanks for the comment but I have to keep them in main board.
nice card choice seems that everything serves its purpose. i imagine it plays really well. i know legacy is pretty much dead with everyone going after modern, however ive been working on a pretty killer legacy approach, if your interested check this build out. Deck link: Same basic principle. Let me know what you think :O
took out some stuff and changed the white to black, but i tried to put some more emphasis on the unblockable creature aspect of the deck, i figured it would be easier to make it post it and ask instead of trying to revamp a whole color sooooooo... here it is if ur interested This is my little sister's deck, we'll update the Methatran Soldiers to Invisible Stalkers :3