its a really awesome idea.....but im failing to see the win condition...please explain
also....the errata cud have changed......the errata...or "understood meaning" if you will.....changes as the sets change....
lol this deck is an asshole.....i love it
looks good.....cud maybe use a garuuk or two......that wud help out....and if you canged a few of the elves to elf druids put in gilt-leaf archdruid.....its a broken ass card
oh and as for the deck it was was a mono white Kor deck made from zendikar.....that was the lat match atleast......the losses where majority to the same was a mono black zombie deck that ran off of the shock lands from ravnica...all the swamp ones...and korlash....with lord of the undead,zombie warchiefs,death barons, and cemetary i sed in the description....the deck was a crazy idea that i didnt think wud work and im still perfecting it.....but it has worked surprisingly well
lol its all good hipponox....and yeah it is illigal in every format except casual...but i didnt spend over a 1000 for each...i spent 800 for each...i got them from the unlimited set on ebay...i was overjoyed....and as for the first is the typical first few turns.... turn 1:lotus petal,lotus petal. seat of the synod welding jar, sac welding jar for a tinker to play enigma sphinx, cascade into something...the last game i played it cascaded into a myr incubator....second turn drop vault of whispers and demonic tutor for another tinker, third turn drop any land and play tinker, sac an artifact land for another enigma sphinx or gilded lotus, if its enigma sphinx cascade again into another demonic tutor to dig out my third tinker.....that was the slowest its ever worked....that was the last game i played
yeah it can be a difficult concept.....not one that i picked up on right away.....i always wnted to build it beacause i was always a huge fan of the invasion when i finally got to play with it i was wicked excited....its surprisingly more effective than i thot....a lil slow at first...but if you can hold them off for just a few turn 4 or so then your pretty well then because of all the lands that produce multiple colors you have atleast one of every color in most cases and you almost always have one mana bird maybe 2 so you can usually play a master or 2 to hold off smaller creatures...and a turn or two after that start throwing down volvers...and the prismatic omens are coming soon i dont have any at the moment so i have to get going to take out the insidious dreams and a couple familiars to add 2 prismatic omens and the other 2 masters that i am missing.....and at some point this deck will get turned into a highlander deck for the next highlander tourny....thats really the basis for it.....everyting will get knocked down to one and i wana add the apprentices to it...along with each liege from the eventide and shadowmoor sets....i have alot of fun ideas for that highlander deck and any input from you guys is much well as ideas an decks form the invasion block im more or less in love with it