using channel for life gain? that doesnt sound like it works to well... to bad that deck isnt legal... take a look at my channel deck, Lich's channel, just deck search it and you will find it (im to lazy to link the adress for it)
thats a pretty good deck considering your not using the newer sets. take a look at my "channel" deck (Lich's Channel) so you can get an idea for what channel is good for now a-days
looks good over all by why do you only have ONE demigod of revenge? demigod is worthless if you run less than four.
its pretty good for a pure kamagawa deck, needs some work though... take a look at my ninja deck so you can get some ideas.
its not vintage legal but its still cool. take a look at my oath of druids deck lol
the deck looks pretty good considering. you have to many cards in sideboard BTW. you should take out force of savagery, thunderscape familiar (or hunted horror), and shambling sheel out from your sideboard
this doesnt look like an angel deck, it looks like a demigod deck.
looks pretty good. i think some tinket mages and a tinker would go good in there though
its an interesting deck. it seems a bit slow for vintage though
hhmmmm. needs some work for it to be called a real boros deck. why do you have the guildmages and rusalkas? i dont see how they're relivent to the deck... i think Mogg fanatics, Serra angels, and Firemaine angels would be good replacements
looks like my first goblin deck XD
most of the cards you have in your deck arent relivent. so take out at least 15
thats an interesting deck man. o.0 looks like green black deck but its more like a blue black deck. im itching to play against that deck XD
lol, that looks interesting. not as interesting as 42 land but its still interesting
(this is a reply to the comment you made on my red goblin deck) the idea behind red goblins is that its RED and that it doesnt need burn, i have made a R/B goblin deck with the cards you sugested and it does not work as well. its slower and not as efficaint. wait a R/B deck looks pretty much identical to yours..o.o i just noticed that..(not trying to be meen, just didnt expect that)
my brother made a red blue verson of this deck, the novelty of it wears off after the first time.
the deck is realy solid, you should put in counterspell instead of cancel, thats a given. and you should take out the paradox hazes.
dude thats an awsome deck
look at my demigod deck then look at your demigod deck
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