I can definitely not afford 4 Domri's, but I'm running this deck with just a few differences and thinking of adding a couple. I have everything except the 3 Scavenging Ooze, 4 Thundermaw Hellkite (Ooze and Kite are way outta the price range, too), 3 Mizzium Mortars and I'm only running 2 Flinthoof Boar. Currently running 2 Prey Upon (which fills in the Domri gap...sort of), a Clan Defiance, Gruul War Chant (which Kibler has sideboarded), 1 Burning Earth, 4 Flames of the Firebrand, a Huntmaster, 3 Wolfir Silverheart, an Ogre Battledriver (with mana acceleration, dropping him, then a Wolfir, and then a Wolfir the turn following has you swinging 26 damage, and if you happen to be able to Bloodrush a Rampager, you've got trample!). Thinking about adding one or two Ruric Thar, getting a Domri, and adding the 3 Mizzium Mortar as well as a Kessig Wolf Run. I'm running all basic lands, I only have 1 Rootbound Crag and using Gruul Guildgates was awful, so the mana situation isn't perfect and those Crag's are pricey, too. Seems like it might flow pretty well.With rotation coming up, all these changes might be pointless but I really only play casual and will try my best to keep up with Theros.