have you thought about agless entity? it's like a much better ajani's pridemate only it doesn't get dropped nearly as soon, it's easily worth it though
wow thanks for the advice it was really helpful, but could you check out this other deck ihave been trying to perfect to no avail, it just seems to keep on eluding me and i am pissed... http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=217421
thanks for the windswept heath tip it helped but i don't plan on replacing rampant growth for cultivate because i don't really need mana ramp as much as i need some really little quick land grab also i think on that note i'll put in explore instead of rampant growth so i can have land grab and draw.... thanks a lot though this is really helpful
when you say jund do you mean god tracker of jund or what? cause i see no cards named jund here... sorry if i sound kinda newbish I'm not well informed
yea i don't really know EXactly what im doing it's just that try to play things with affinity rather than paying their mana cost {mycosynth golem's whole point is for that purpose} and this isn't really a "proper" deck i just made it to fuck with my friend whose whole deck is based off of the destruction of my land but is i could ever make this deck into a worthwhile deck i would do it in a heart beat because playing things with out paying their mana cost just makes me giddy
i don't see my self not attacking with this deck the whole idea is to turn the little big, specifically ajani's pride mate with it's ability and cradle of vitality, i'll definitely add in wall of reverence and take out those two Felidar sovereigns and add in wall of reverence i'll most likely end up taking out ajani's mantra for boon reflection, but i don't really see my self using righteous aura when i have anti damage thing's like children of korlis already... thanks though this helped alot
i would try replacing ondu giant with priest of titania or elvish archdruid
you should really put in liquid metal coating
i've always loved quest for ulas temple although mine eventualy evolved into somthing completly diffrent that involved a whole lotta win conditions, but i never even saw this possibility and i like it
i would take out all naturalize and put in another well wisher for more life gain...
dude i know i just used him cause he had all the right colors but when ever i play him i still yell his name...
it's really good but were i you i would take out raise the alarm and add in an enchantment called mobilization it only puts out one soldier for 3 but you can use it over and over again
you should realy add in some token boosters take out selesnya guildmage, fist's of ironwood and watch wolf to add in doubling season, mycoloth, and rhys the reedeemed, also if you are starting to get a huge amount of saprolings you can take out llanowar elves to add life and limb so all your saprolings are also mana
damn kick ass deck... this is better then my infi combo, i based mine off wort the raid mother and storm token cards http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=197840 it works best with Empty the warrens, because on top of me being able to make infinite tapped, so basically useless, it also has storm and if i want i can use the storm copy and use it's conspire ability to make more copies which have an even more storm copies- well you get it...
impreety sure you can only have 4 of anything other than a land...{eldrazi templ}
why not put in lux cannon? i mean with surge node and voltaic key it would be a nice way to get rid of pesky blockers
i would add in a card called counter spell, it's basically cancel but it only cost's two, instead of flash freeze i mean...
nice artifact destroy deck! i've had one but it's not nearly as nice as this one... also i've found out that shadowmoor has an artifact destroy card that is basically the same as naturalize but red and deals three damage as well
4 islands? it seems like xenograft is totally out of place here...
why 12 forest and mountains? I usually like to have 10 of each and then add rampant growth*4 or some other manna ramp so you can get out wild pair earlier, also if i were you i would get out the two vigorous first, it would give you totally field control and with your burn cards you would be able to destroy the opponent, also why shock? it's just a crappy lightning bolt...
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