Mentor is the apex of the deck. I agree he'll snap-die frequently, but if he sticks, you win. It also takes heat of the other threats, which grow quickly. Regent is the curve topper, exactly as you said. Also, he blocks Ojutai efficiently, and can at least act as a flying barrier if necessary. Overall, he's a ton of value for a 4-drop.
Roast is a beast dude. Turn Ashiok is really nothing SUPER scary, as they'll usually board it out against you anyway. However, your best bet is probably just countering it if you can. If not, burn to the ground. Just hard to race because of her +2. I'm still a fan of adding a Disdainful Stroke or two to the main, btw.
Haha! No problem; tapping one mana and killing something is glorious. Two to the face isn't bad either! How's the rest of deck playing?
No, I agree. The whole build would have to be redone. Just saying. Haha. SO much flavor.
It could work; I'm convinced that it could. Just needs the right build. Not sure what that is, but UWR seems like a decent fit, with small burn spells. I don't know that it will Top 8 a GP, but it would be a fun night at an FNM.
No problem man. Let me know how testing goes; interested to see how this works.Sidebar: I also had an obscure, but fun idea to build in Myth Realized as a wincon. Maybe we could play with Myth Jeskai if you find that this route isn't working.
Also, Nullify is good, but not as good as scorn. However, since we're not playing Dragons, it makes sense. Just bear in mind that all of your counters require double blue, which isn't huge, but relevant.
Sorcery speed on Roast in not ideal, and I understand. But, it does handle a ton of things that the deck will have problems with, like anything Abzan. That's why it's a one-of; it will find value against almost any deck. Wild Slash is certainly not Lightning Bolt, and I understand that. But allow me to make a list of things that it kills for ONE mana:Rakshasa DeathdealerMonastery SwiftspearZurgo BellstrikerDen ProtectorGoblin RabblemasterElvish Mystic... I can go for days...Boon SatyrRattleclaw MysticHornet QueenWarden of the First TreeLightning BeserkerEidolon of the Great RevelFamewake Phoenixetc.So much value. Sure, it will get boarded out, but it's a huge reason to play red. It's the one thing black doesn't have; a solid one-mana kill spell. Also, when Soulfire Grandmaster gets boarded in, it's more lifelink. Pressuring you on this because I think you'll find that it's a hero.
This is shaping up, but I'm still inclined to object to the removal package. This is going to struggle with spot removal, and it seems like stuff will get jammed in your hand often. However, the walkers section is looking much better. Secure the wastes is good, but there is enough Bile Blight in the format to make it a one-of. I would also drop the Nullify number, and add at least one Disdainful Stroke main. Counter Siege Rhino/Dragonlord (Your Choice Here) for two mana is the nuts. Jeskai Charm seems ineffective. It's main function here is for tempo, and I guess it hooks up well with Elspeth, but no way do I think that it should get three spots your 60. It's a temporary solution to a permanent problem, and you don't want that. Same with Ojutai's Command. It's not the worst card overall, but dropping it in favor of something else will serve to lean out the deck, and assist your aching removal package. You'll be much happier ripping a Roast over that most of the time, or something similar. Also, by thinning out your curve, 27 lands isn't necessary. 26 is just fine, and that's a spot that we can allocate to a utility spell. Again, more quick removal is necessary. Cards that I feel should be in the main are small removal spells. Wild Slash and Valorous Stance come to mind. Why not try:-1 Secure the Wastes-1 Ojutai's Command-1 Nullify-2 Jeskai Charm-1 Land (Dealer's Choice; haven't done a mana-base analysis) +3 Wild Slash+2 Disdainful Stroke+1 RoastI opted out of picking Valorous Stance, because it's secondary function (Make me indestructible) is often used a shield for a finisher, like Ojutai. Since we're not playing Ojutai, Roast gets the nod.
It's good, and gets online with Elspeth well, as does anything with Convoke. But you want to focus removal that you can use anytime, and not have to save mana for when creatures attack/block. Control is about having choices all the time; the choice to counter now, or remove later via a different spell is pivotal. Try to limit cards that put you in a specific situation; you're looking for cards that you can sling on your schedule. Which is the whole point of control: to put you in the driver's seat at every step of the game.
Ah, didn't realize that you didn't have Ojutai. I would try to trade for some if you can; it's simply too good. Regent is a great card, but low toughness puts him in range of a ton of kill spells, plus that's not what you want to be doing, as far as draw-go style. He's maybe a 6.5/10 creature, and it's not worth breaking the mold of what you want to do for him. Nullify is fine, it gets the job done; and is probably a better fit than Scorn for your Dragonless list.
The more I look at this, the more I'm considering dropping a Drifting Death for an Utter End to deal with Collected Company, or an Ultimate Price. Input?
Here you go: wrote some explanations for my choices in the How To Play It section.
Okay. Let's get right to it:I see that you've altered the list based on some recommendations. It's awesome that you're open to suggestions, and actively improving the list. Too often people vehemently defend their initial 75, as if a suggestion was a personal attack. Here are my thoughts:I am glad that you prefer the "draw-go" style. I do as well; information is power. Tapping out makes me feel uncomfortable, and it'sm quite simply, not what control wants to do. That being said, if you take a look at the list, much of it will require you to tap out. The walkers are wincons, and necessary, but that's still a turn of "shield's down", if you will. Count the walkers: that's a lot of turns with lowered shields. Plus, that's assuming you're actually casting them. Don't forget that this is machine built to draw cards above all else; that is the essence of control, and the best three words in magic: "Draw a card." You'll draw what you need without polluting the efficiency of the deck with 2-4 uncastable walkers in your hand when you hit late game mode. I would argue more to focus on the ones that you want, and allocate the all-important card slots that you don't to cheaper spells that serve to protect the former. In essence, project out how much during a game you're going to tap out running the above list. That doesn't seem like what you want to do, or, frankly, what will best serve your purposes. The next thing is undercutting. The vaults are awesome, but don't forget; they're going to take your walkers away too. With the current build, you may be putting yourself in a position to vault away your walkers. Granted, that happens sometimes, but, going back to the last paragraph, that equates to a turn of keeping of shields down for minimal value. Wouldn't it better to let other removal handle the bulk of the load, while protecting your value spells, and lowering your curve? I think so. Also, I still think that black is the stronger third color. The spot removal that it offers cannot be matched by red; so our best bet is probably playing a few more counters to handle trouble spots before they even occur. Six in your current list is fine, but I may be tempted to flex up to eight, but that number is one that is best ascertained through testing.This list has some good bones, but needs further renovation. Rather than make specific card selections below, I'm going to use the builder to create a list like this that I would try, and post it. Maybe we can combine them afterwards to make something special. I'll comment back in a few, after I complete it.
Anger of the Gods main is not a great choice, at least in any more than a one-of. Your reason is dead on: there is a lot of 4+ toughness values out there, and not just in Abzan. However, seeing as Abzan makes up 35%-45% of the format recently, that is good enough reason alone to relegate it to the board, and bring it in when value is maximized, against aggro, etc.
I'll post an in depth reply to this when I get my laptop out. Expect a novel inbound. Hah.
I think that you'll find that the combination of your sweepers is not ideal, and will get trapped in your hand. I would test with different combinations of spot removal/sweepers. Anger seems much better out of board, similar to Drown in Sorrow in black variants. The main disadvantage to playing these colors is efficiency; the black element is really lean, and lends itself to efficient ways to handle threats in ways that red doesn't. Your removal package, while potent, is perhaps slightly too clunky. Examine ways to make it more of a rip/slam/smile kind of deal. That brings me to my next point: I feel that the deck has a *slight* identity crisis. This is the larger issue which contributes to all of the aforementioned problems. Essentially, people seem to think at all control is the same. But in fact, building control is a balancing act. There are two main schools of thought regarding style: tap out style, and draw-go style. Choosing one over the other will make a more potent deck in general, and make it easier to build around a theme. Which do you prefer? I'd be happy to make recommendations after hearing about how you want this to play/feel. I hope that this didn't come across as erudite or bossy. Just trying to lend my experience to the build. Haha. Good luck brother!