Thank you for all the advice! I'm still pretty new to modern, but want to try to understand the format better. When I've got a minute I'll add in some changes.
I have one suggestion for a card that would work really well with Shapesharer: Training Grounds. For 1 Blue mana, that ability only costs 1 blue mana, making it much easier to change your stuff!
1st of all, what do you mean "accidentally"? I knew full well what I was doing. I built the deck, after all! 2nd, stop with the taplands. I see them in all of your decks and all they do is slow you down. The painlands are fine, even shocklands are ok, but things like the Vivids, Growth Chamber, and Thornwood Falls are just going to end up killing you. Another thing that all of your decks seem to be forgetting is that you have an opponent. They will also be playing things. You have to stop those things, so you need control. I know how much you hate control, but you NEED to have it.
Ok, there's a couple things I see with this deck. 1st, Jwari Shapeshifter ONLY copies allies. 2nd, the curve in general is just WAY too high. 3rd, there are multiple ways to win-con Biovisionary. If you go shapeshifters, use the ones that don't suck. Phantasmal Image is a good one. Cackling Counterpart and Cryptoplasm are pretty good as well. Renegade Doppelganger is pretty fine. Even Woodland Bellower works with Biovisionary. The key is consistency. You will want to have a 4x of each card in the deck.
Hey, this deck looks pretty good! I would definitely recommend adding a couple Engulf the Shore. Also, this is just my opinion, but if I only have 1 card with a separate color in the deck and it isn't absolutely crucial, I tend to take it out. That's how I see Languish. It's a great card, don't get me wrong, but you might have a better tempo and less potential for mana troubles if you dropped the Languish and changed your lands all to Islands. This would also enable you to put Engulf in the deck and make it super effective!Another possible addition could be Thing in the Ice. You are casting plenty of instants and sorceries, and it adds another board wipe effect with a massive blocker on the tail end. Again, these are just suggestions based on my own opinions. I don't mean to force anything.
Hey, Wiggly. It's alright. It happens to the best of us. I hope whatever is stressing you out stops soon, and I'm sorry to hear that your stopping playing Magic. You didn't bring anyone into anything! My friend Padfoot just got a little overexcited when he saw your comment because it was the first "hate" comment I had received on a deck. Don't put yourself down, I can see you are a good person. Good luck in all of your future endeavors!
Wiggly, who hurt you? It wasn't me, so please find a more benign method of dispensing your inner emotions than commenting on mtg decks online. Have a pleasant day.
I see now, the cutoff is DTK, rather than KTK. Thank you for pointing this out to me politely, unlike Wiggly down below.
No. Glint is my only method of protecting my Things. I'm not dropping them. Plus, who the hell is going to be playing Horrors? It's not exactly a popular creature type!
Yeah, the whole KTK block and Origins are still in Standard at the moment! It's the biggest Standard pool of cards I've seen!
Either way, the Force still dies as it enters the battlefield unless you put in an anthem effect, so you might as well take it out.
Hey dude, you forgot to put in anthem effects to keep the Force of Savagery alive. It dies as soon as it enters the battlefield, well before you can put any enchantments on it...
I don't mean to burst your bubble, but this deck is not standard legal. Darksteel Ingot is from M14, which rotated out when Khans went in. Also, all lands are colorless unless they specifically say they are a color, like Arbor Dryad.
Why not take out all of the Eldrazi and just put in Spawnsire of Ulamog? Sideboard the rest of the Eldrazi. After you get Spawnsire out, activate its 20 mana ability and destroy your opponent with Emrakul's extra turn.
One suggestion: Replace Cancel with Dissolve. Same price, but with a bonus Scry!
No problem. Glad I could help!
You know, this could be a great deck! You have TONS of devotion in this one, so I would definitely put in four Karametra's Acolytes and a Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx. They both add mana due to devotion. This could SERIOUSLY ramp your mana and remove the need for Explosive Vegetation and Rampant Growth, making the deck Modern-Legal. Also, I would replace Garruk, Primal Hunter with Garruk, Caller of Beasts. It just works better.
Oh, my bad, it wouldn't. I usually don't play Standard, so I don't take it into consideration.
Quick suggestion: replace lightning strike with lightning bolt. It only takes 1 Red and does the same effect.
Maybe you should add Primordial Hydra? It doubles its +1/+1 counters every turn. It also has trample (with 10 or more counters on it). Might be useful.