+ i really recommend tou tohave a quick look at my dragon deck. you need more 1 to 3 mana supporting creatures [http://www.mtgvault.com/halomaster338/decks/epic-dragon/]
Ahh just saying... this isn't modern!
You know furnace Welp is better than Dragon Whelp and yes you really should put in Slumbering Dragon. Consider adding in Izzet Signet so you can use Geosurge(the best red mana pool adding card!) often.
hrm i'll see but it can get risky!
I like Dragons myself but sadly this one is waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy to slow a good built Rakdos, Golgari, Boros or Izzet will kill you since you cant do much until around your 5th or 7th turn (if you are lucky) but over all a good Dragon Budget Deck! :)Have a look at my mono red dragon: http://www.mtgvault.com/halomaster338/decks/epic-dragon/ hope it can help you!
Pretty good Dennis but just three types of Hydras???? not that much of a hydra i would say
I changed a bit more. What do you think?
their hows that?i put in blazing torch, shrapnel blast vexing and goblin guide. i may ad goblin grenade.
Does any one actually use Rakdos?????????
Hows This Now?
Oh denden my Alara Dragon worth's mor than this LOL :)
Whats the use of Rimescale Dragon? you don't have snow mana!
I've changed it! :)
Wow Dennis my burn deck has 3 likes and 14 comments and counting. (no offense)
if she survives you could deal hundreds of damage but yea i guess its not that good. well it is a planeswalker
yep i'll have a try on the testing
maybe a few better goblins
Well Chandra Ablaze's first and last effect are pretty OP, so i'll remove fire brand for gutter snipe or ball of lightning
I'll see what i can do
sure I'll try and make it better
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