Finally! someone with some sense! Why does no-one else use cathar's crusade?
More Blood Artist
I like where you're headed, Though i may suggest more zombies
Less essence backlash, more dynacharge. Goblins are almost useless without buffers.
Try adding Cathar's Crusade. That card is rediculasly OP.
Might I Suggest Disemtomb? It brings them back to your hand for reuse.
makes sense
Try removing the Rampant growths and adding things like Giant Growth, Phrexian Hydra, and Blight Widow.
oops, that wasn't suppossed to be in there.....
try adding a rupture spire or two in.
Might I suggest a Slitherhead or 2 for the sideboard, as well as Putrify and Natural End
needs more spirits, especially Drogskol Captain.
Too many cancels, not enough lands
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