Just a couple of thoughts that crossed my mind when looking over this...1. What about Haste enablers? I noticed Break Through the Line for single target haste, but enchantments like Fires of Yavimaya and Fervor would allow your creatures to go to town the moment they hit the board. 2. How well do all of your single target spells work without having Wild Defiance on the board? While it seems neat on paper, the idea feels kinda frail. I've never done it though, so I'm just curious. 3. Pathbreaker Ibex has an effect similar to Wild Beastmaster, but is much stronger in my opinion (although Ibex is much more costly). Not sure how well it would fit in here since it seems like you're trying to move really fast.
One more thing, I'm not really sure how strong your draw potential is but look into Sphinx's Tutelage. Against mono color decks it can be absolutely brutal. I use it in my Arjun EDH and typically I'll deck an opponent out within three turns after playing it.
If you can find room for it, get your hands on Insidious Dreams. That card works amazingly well with Damia, Sage of Stone. It basically allows you to search for your combo pieces and draw into all of them next turn if you're willing to toss your hand.Also, given the number of lands you have I'm not entirely sure this will be useful, but take a look at Manabonds. With Damia, dropping all the lands in your hand at the end of your turn at the cost of discarding the remainder of your hand isn't so bad when you'll be drawing a new hand of seven cards next turn.
With the mana doublers and extra land drops, I'm surprised I don't see Rites of Flourishing in here. With Burgeoning, it could potentially net you even more land drops. Also, no love for Rancor or Increasing Savagery?
Some cards to consider:Strionic Resonator -- Being able to copy your commander's ability can be absolutely devastating. You can either give the same creature both bonuses, or two different creatures the bonus for just 2 mana.Bow of Nylea -- The passive "attacking creatures have deathtouch" is great on its own. I'm not fond of most of its other abilities, but the graveyard recovery is pretty nifty.Dragonthrone of Tarkir -- I have heavily considered running this in my own Xenagos EDH. Sure, your commander can't attack, but he's now giving all your other creatures +6/+6 and trample until end of turn, every turn. That's not even taking into account his passive buff he gives something every turn. Alternatively, put it on something to be buffed and then have that creature share its newfound power with everything else. +12/+12 and trample, why not?Elemental Bond -- Consistent card draw in a power-heavy deck like this for only three mana.Sol Ring -- Why is there not one in here? It's a staple in EDH.Anyway, just suggestions. I'm sure there are several that I know of that I just haven't recalled yet.
Bioshift is really useful for keeping those +1/+1 counters around in case some fat creature ends up dying.Increasing Vengeance is another awesome card for adding +1/+1 counters to creatures.Finding a way to bounce a strong creature is a slow, but steady method of triggering Evolve. Conjurer's Closet and Species Gorger can both do this (although Conjurer's Closet is better at it).Just some thoughts. I personally loved the idea of Simic and have had a handful of decks built around them myself.
Omen Machine works the same way with Teferi as Knowledge Pool does. Both result in spell lockdown for your opponent(s).
Consider he only has two options to snag with it, I wouldn't run it.
Knight tribal is brutal. If you want to add some salt to the wound, I would recommend adding 2-3 Lightmine Fields.
Something to keep your opponent's creatures from plowing into you early game while you build up your mana sources to play bigger creatures is a huge plus in decks like this. Stuff like Norn's Annex and Ghostly Prison can be lifesavers here. I realize that Windborn Muse does the same thing here but it's a creature, and in my opinion, creatures seem a lot easier to deal with in EDH than artifacts or enchantments.Also, I would recommend replacing Rule of Law with Curse of Exhaustion. Same effect, but only affects the player enchanted with it.
Maybe add Sadistic Hypnotist? Gets the fatties into your graveyard and get cards out of your opponent's hand.
Impressive use of Varolz. Nice EDH.
I've got a R/W commander deck as well. You can look through it for ideas.http://www.mtgvault.com/halaphax/decks/guild-wars-boros-edh/
Well, if you are going for a token theme, then Chorus of Might could be an option (although not a great one at 4 mana imo). Unflinching Courage is also a good option if you don't have any Rancor. Other than that, I've got nothing. Hope it works out for ya!
No Rancor for trample?
Unfortunately, only legendary creatures can be commanders. Maelstrom Archangel isn't legendary.
Who is the commander?
I have a really similar deck, but I'm not running all five colors.http://www.mtgvault.com/halaphax/decks/defenders-of-the-door-2/
Nice. Unfortunately, Primeval Titan is banned in EDH. http://mtgcommander.net/rules.php
Myr Turbine + Parallel Lives + Clock of Omens = infinite 1/1 myr tokens.
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