To many cards. take out 2 swamps 1 liliana take out shivia dragon take out skeletal vampire.
Lol all u ppl say ur screen names no harm in saying ur first name. My name is Jonathan.
WoW calm down there chilly hes just asking how to make his deck better, yes u told him but u dont have to so meen about it. anyway dude just go bant u get to keep ur O-Ring's and u can put ur Mirror sigil seargent in there. bant has alot of multicolored permanents that u need such as blue/white/green.
looks nice
Are u wanting a Pure burn control deck?? thats what i made take out the creatures get and go burn/ counter spells. the only creatures u should have are ball of lightning's.
Dude to many cards! take out 1 swamp and 1 island, take out ur hedron crabs, take out the nemises of reason, take out the tome scour and 2 traumatize. ur going to kill them dont focus so much on milling. plus 4 traumatizes are retarted. and there u go 60 card deck.