why the bad moon? you have only 10 creatures? add more creatures and get rid of black moon and fear!
i like the idea.. pretty original. have you tested it? i'm curious to know how it works in reality?
get rid of the howling mines and use wheel of fate instead.. two should be enough. then take out the beacon of destruction and put in some more goblins. like Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician. the the raging goblins. they are not good. use Mogg Fanatic instead!!! IMHO.... oh yeah, and try to keep it in 60 cards. i think with a proper sideboard, this goblin deck has some potential! please comment my decks, magussal megrim and jokulhaups control.!
yes i agree, great deck. I thin i will steal your idea!
i think you should take out brightflame from your side and add wrath of god. Bright flame is not that good, believe me.
thank you, i've corrected the BG thing.. just a little memory loss, lol =)
good point... i think i will do that. though i find it not so hard to cast my creatures after jokulhaups 'cause of the exploration and yawimaya elder...
lol, I like this deck.. i believe that when it works, it is a fun like hell to play!!
what the fuck
you have only one mill card??? Good old millston and traumatize...... i know it's a theme deck but still.. come on..
It's very interesting to see a discard deck that "has a soul". quite original i'd say... But i think that you should take out dismal failure and but in something like ancestral vision or something other to draw with. and maybe add couple of damnations or something like that. I know the idea is to discard creatures out of your opponents hand, but just to make sure....
because rune snag is only 2 mana.. but i guess there are much better spells out there
quite exspensive deck.. take out some of the most expensive cards like whetweel and no offense, but glimmerdust nap is crap!! more counter spells. even though they are not mill related, they still work damn well!
Sorry i forgot to mention. I like this deck.. it' very fun to play indeed!!!! oh yeah, try some condems or swords to plowshares
take wojek sirens out and add in something more fitting.. like bathe in light (believe me, it will come in handy!) and you want to be agressive, don't you? So take the high ground out and add something you can pump your creatures with. for example, Loxodon Warhammer. Or whispersilk cloak for protection and cut down the deck to 60 cards!
this deck will work most of the time but playing against heavy counter or other control decks can be a problem. have you thought about the green augur?