
2 Decks, 2 Comments, 0 Reputation

This is my insane free-for-all deck. Mana Boost to Broodmother, that means 1/1 Dragons with flying every upkeep. + Crucible of Fire+ Sarkhan the mad= you can kill someone pretty fast. Plan B Predator Dragon+Devour 2=an easy 40/40 with Haste. If all else fails shoot out a couple Broodmothers and attack someone with an obsene amount of 4/4 Dragon tokens.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 01:43 as a comment on Reign of Fire


You would actually be suprised at how fast and effective it is, the only vulnerabilities are the enchantments. When they go down the Dragons go down so you have to burn your opponents down fast. I can usually kill someone in six turns, more effective under ten with multiple 7/7-8/8 Dragons including flameblast. I don't need mana accelerators when I have the Gauntlets of might. They double my red mana and give me +1 +1 on my red creatures.

Posted 15 July 2010 at 01:38 in reply to #73549 on Pro Dragon Deck
