
10 Decks, 82 Comments, 3 Reputation

i dont think the spikeshot elder is going to help you in this deck since you dont have equipment to attach to him and raise the damage of the ability. And if you want faster spells throw in a couple burst ligthning. I understand how act of treason is a good tactical card but if your using it for creature heavy decks i think you should drop it and pick up chain reaction.
Hope this helps come take a look at my burn deck and let me know what you think of it.

Posted 25 January 2011 at 01:24 as a comment on Aggressive Red


alright i like where your coming from on the comet storm and reverberate. Its good stuff, but i think you need some faster spells. (of course this is my opinion) i would throw in some galvanic blast since it has metal craft and you have artifacts to make it work, and burst lightning, flame slash, and arc trail is at the top of my list for this deck.
Come check my burn deck out and share your thought!

Posted 25 January 2011 at 01:15 as a comment on comet storm unleashed!!


i see where your coming from on how they slim your deck down and i think ill give it a try with proxies since im still not sold on the whole come into play tapped thing

Posted 25 January 2011 at 00:48 in reply to #119185 on Burn you twice....Revised


Elder Mastery

Posted 23 January 2011 at 21:43 in reply to #119260 on Blue,Black,Red (any thoughts?)


comet storm over fireball all day long

Posted 23 January 2011 at 19:36 as a comment on Power of X


i agree with LightningRing in that you have a lot of creatures that are taking up your spell space. Adding another koth and reverberate would be nice so you dont only have one and it will increase your chances of pulling. Replace the Prodigal Pyromancer with Cunning Sparkmage since he has haste.

Posted 23 January 2011 at 19:22 as a comment on inferno burn red deck (please comment)


This is a great burn deck and i like the number of 1 drops in it. Only thing i can really say that might come to mind is Burst Lightning and Pyromancer Ascension for a free reverberate
Take a look at my deck if you don't mind:

Posted 23 January 2011 at 18:34 as a comment on 3rd Degree Burn


well the thing is why have one of those two sac/fetch lands that gives you a land into play tapped when you can simply have the same chances of drawing a basic land that comes into play untapped and ready to use

Posted 23 January 2011 at 17:54 in reply to #119185 on Burn you twice....Revised


im gonna say this deck is more of a prison type deck rather than a control; only because this would shutdown someone after those enchantments come out

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:59 as a comment on Hatred towards all


i use the mountains to trigger the valakuts so i need them i would consider them if i had something with landfall though

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:52 in reply to #119185 on Burn you twice....Revised


Mana leak or Cancel, negate/Spell Pierce, Burst lightning, lightning bolt, Kederekt Creeper, cruel ultimatum, Liliana specter, Liliana curass, and Hypnotic Specter are all cards that might be of use in this deck. and the Scarland Thrinax is the wrong colors for this deck. also if you wanted to get the terramorphic expanse out of your deck you could always use put in the Grixis Panorama. Hope this helps, most of those cards listed are pretty cheap.

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:48 as a comment on Blue,Black,Red (any thoughts?)


if you want to use cultivate to hurt the opponent with the mountains coming into play you should use harrow. bring 2 untaped mountains in and its an instant

Posted 23 January 2011 at 14:03 as a comment on Flames and Offending!


i like pyroclasm but it would kill my kiln fiend which can get pretty big when you start a nice stack of spells and its a sorcery. other than that though i thank its a solid card. thanks for the comments guys!

Posted 23 January 2011 at 13:54 in reply to #119141 on Burn you twice....Revised


would be a great card but unfortunately its not standard

Posted 23 January 2011 at 13:47 in reply to #119093 on Burn you twice....Revised


the cop red isnt in standard anymore so all i have to worry about is the protection from red and brave the elements type cards. and in that case deal face damage to the player fast

Posted 23 January 2011 at 13:47 in reply to #119132 on Burn you twice....Revised


I like arc trail but its a sorcery. i prefer instants i put in 4 burst lightning instead. and i like elemental appeal when you have a reverberate or two in your hand

Posted 23 January 2011 at 13:44 in reply to #119057 on Burn you twice....Revised


thins one looks good but i think im gonna have to disagree with the fetch lands in this deck since there is nothing that has a landfall ability in it and theres no point in losing life if you dont have to

Posted 23 January 2011 at 03:23 as a comment on Burn Manipulation


Well looks solid and i love Draco although it would be awesome to see Tek in here as well as all the dragons that were in invasion

Posted 23 January 2011 at 03:13 as a comment on The soul of the world


you told me to come and take a look. i like how fast this deck is, great list of spells too. love chain lightning

Posted 23 January 2011 at 03:09 as a comment on Lightning Rod


i actually messed up by putting 22 i forgot to put in the elemental appeal. Thanks for catching that.

Posted 23 January 2011 at 03:06 in reply to #118953 on Burn you twice.... shame on me


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