[Legacy] True Merfolk

by Gutosan on 27 November 2013

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Instants (4)

Planeswalkers (1)

Artifacts (2)

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Deck Description

True-Name Nemesis is [for real]... the best blue creature ever printed. '-'
Any improvments ? let me know. :3

How to Play

Just play ;D

Deck Tags

  • Merfolk
  • Legacy
  • True-Name

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 4,646 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for [Legacy] True Merfolk

Any Ideas? =3

Posted 27 November 2013 at 01:25


No Wasteland, no Cursecatchers in the main, and a playset of Ponder? It seems like you're trading the traditional power of Merfolk for the pure aggression of True-Name, which I think is a shame.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 01:42


I'm sorry, i'm new playing legacy. I just thought it would be good to make a merfolk deck with the new amazing merfolk...

Posted 27 November 2013 at 15:37


I agree with jensdagon, I don't think you need 4 true-name in the deck. I'm a HUGH fan of True-name but honestly you are giving up so much for the cards you are playing. Where is cavern of souls? cause if you don't get vial or its destroyed you have to get around counter. I have a few legacy decks myself that is built. I would like your option if you can visit mine as well.

Death and taxes:

dark maverick:

Mono red:


and for fun a modern mill:

Posted 27 November 2013 at 03:00


In all honesty it should be 4 Reejery, and 3 True-Name. You don't even need 22 land, most competive legacy merfolk decks run anywhere from 18-20. I would -1 wasteland, -2 island, +1 Cavern of souls, +1 Merrow Rejerey. True-name in itself is an incredibly powerful blue card, arguably one of the best. But in legacy merfolk Reejerey is still your star 3 drop.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 05:39


Okay! Thank you! (=

Posted 27 November 2013 at 15:37


I disagree with what the other commenters are saying about cutting a true-name. I think that this list, with only minor modifications (if any) is powerful enough. And the reason I like this so much is because although maybe it cuts a little explosive synergy out of merfolks if one of the creatures you play isn't a lord, but it's okay because instead you're playing a 3 cmc progenitus. Like the big strategy against merfolk is to run it out of lords, right? so here you're sacrificing a tiny bit of power for resilience against that kind of strategy

But if it were me I wouldn't choose between them. I would run 4 of both, and then cut the ponders for 2 spell pierce or cursecatcher. Permission is just sooo important. Pure merfolk and counterspells win a sickening amount of the time. Just take the vintage championships this year...

I also think you're running too much colorless mana from the practice draws I've taken. I don't know which one of the two nonbasics is more important to this strategy or how you might split them, so i won't try and make suggestions on that front.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 08:08


I would definitely recommend Jinx and/or Reef Shaman. Another surefire suggestion would be Cavern of Souls.

Maybe even a Stormtide Leviathan?

Posted 27 November 2013 at 08:10


Look up Joel Lim's Reel Fish Deck. It's Legacy-legal (except for 4 cards) but won the Vintage tournament in Philadelphia.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 12:26


A playset of the nemesis is a bit to much. Maybe trade for the lower costed merfolk of more counter/card draw?

Posted 27 November 2013 at 18:17


Brainstorm is bad in this deck. With 0 shuffles brainstorm does very little for a deck. Without shuffles I think ponder would be a better card in the deck.
Also tolaria west is weak really, your better off just running another cavern/island
And finally I think phantasmal image over coral helm commander. Copying a lord is sweet and coral helm is slow anyway.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 18:48


I think that you could lower the True Name Nemesis to 2 or 3 And put Cursecatcher.
Cursecatcher in legacy is an deadly weapon, that can buy you some turns, which is crucial in Legacy. A Playset of Cursecatcher is really needed.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 18:55


Remove Brainstorm and put 3 Standstill and 1 Coralhelm

Posted 27 November 2013 at 18:55


this list looks like a really nice compromise of your suggestions, well done. you can always side in more card drawing or more true-names.

Posted 27 November 2013 at 19:44


Hi, THIS LOOKS GREAT. But I'd say the mana needs to be retooled. Run at least six sac lands, just to thin out your deck. Drop two wastelands and add one Nykthos, Shrine of whatever... its better than Tolerian Academy;) The advice to run more card drawing is pretty solid but I would only go down to 22 creatures at minimum. I like the classic design with the extra counterspells. I'd probably go with Arcane Denial over spellsnare but hey... Great post, Good luck!!

Posted 28 November 2013 at 00:47


Thank you!! <3

Posted 28 November 2013 at 01:25


Just throwing it out there, and not to diss the people that suggested standstill, but Ponder is better by a long shot. Being a one drop and the fact that you can shuffle if you don't like what you draw is always better. In regards to the lands, that's all great if you wanna go the nykthos route, but I'm not sure why you subbed out mutavault, its a must 4 of because its effectively another 4 creatures. I agree with the sac lands, however id prob only 4 as opposed to 6. But my main changes would be -4 standstill, +3 ponder, -1 spellpierce (since you are already running 3 cursecatcher, there are only so many Path to exiles you are going to be countering) and +2 Coralhelm commander, despite being the weakest of the merfolk, he is still a bomb late game if you can get him to lvl 4, even lvl 2 its nice to have early flying evasion if you don't have islandwalk. And on that note, you are pretty much relying on your opponent playing delver or Stoneblade based on the fact that you have no way of actually getting Islandwalk as it stands. If this is for an actual pro legacy deck you shouldn't need to worry since those will most likely be your opponents anyways, but if you are playing casually with your friends, and just feel like building a super pro deck, I would prob throw in either two or three spreading seas or aquitect's will. Spreading seas can really fuck with your opponent on turn two if you are turning one of their dual lands into an island. Plus its card draw. Aquitect's will will trigger merrow reejery since its a "merfolk" spell, and it nets you card draw assuming you have at least one merfolk on the field.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 02:58


Standstill is amazing in merfolk. Aether vial + Standstill is a win normally. Also if your ahead on board or facing a combo deck standstill is brutal.
And about island walk your right, most legacy decks run in islands , if thy don't your plan is just to get your dudes larger then the opponents

Posted 28 November 2013 at 03:27


I dont see the shrine doing that much in your deck, getting a lot of mana in a deck where your highest cost is FOW then your next highest is 3 mana is kind of a waste to be honest. I believe that mutavaults are a MUST. Also sack lands are not needed in this build. They don't do much but cost you a life (I know the thinning and shuffle but if your not using brainstorm or other cards that uses your graveyard they are useless). I believe that both ponder and standstill are really good cards, but when you break down what your using in this deck (vial), its hands down standstill over all others. I believe -6 all fetches -2 shrine +4 mutavaults +2 wasteland +2 cavern of souls (you need mutavaults for another creature that gets bigger and gains islandwalk. You need wasteland to deal with annoying lands (ie duals or powerlands) and you need cavern of souls to prevent counters if vial dies) You also don't need to worry about having double blue cause you have the vial. Thats my suggestion and I'd keep the rest the same.

I hope that helps.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 04:07


This deck is pretty bad for 1000+ dollars. You don't need fetchlands, all they do is make your deck higher priced. You also don't need Nykthos.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 04:25


it has nothing to do with price. I believe that if this person it putting those cards up here 1 of 2 things are going on 1) he already has the cards or 2) this is deck that is in the making (planning on getting them, which fetches are a wise investment)

Posted 28 November 2013 at 04:33


Fetches are pretty bad if you're playing a Monocoloured deck. Like, you waste one life to get an island when you could have removed them and play the same damn land while retaining life. It's stupid.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 05:13


by using fetches you make it less likely for you to draw a land later when you wanted a spell. This is a common practice in professional play. It is pricey though, so if you don't want to spend that much money you should just use only islands

Posted 28 November 2013 at 08:13


fetches serve many purposes. first in mono red, it fuels the Grim Lavamancer which gives you the cards in the graveyard you need. second just like kmk888 said it thins your deck so you don't draw land when you need spells. third it allows for a shuffle of your deck. It works really well with brainstorm or jace the mind sculptor or even sensei's divining top. That is why you want fetches. That just in mono colored decks. You have deathrite shaman that uses lands in graveyards, you have knight of the reliquary that uses lands. To be honest fetches are one of the most powerful lands in the game because of how its used. Duals wouldn't be as popular as they are now for that simple fact you can search out any dual and put it right in play. It would be either your deck plays 4 of each of the duels you need or you would be running more utility lands and HOPE you get the right color of duel (believe i know even without the fetches duels would be a lot, but no where near where they are now)

Posted 28 November 2013 at 17:20


this being said, fetches are really only for thinning in this list and so might be considered a waste.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 19:38


I agree. I would rather have utility lands vs fetch lands. Wasted spaces IMO.

Posted 28 November 2013 at 19:44


some nice stuff. have a look at my merfolk deck for a couple other thoughts if you like.


i'd encourage you to look at the merrow commerce and the acquitect's will (also ponder, which was mentioned above)

Posted 28 November 2013 at 23:19


Blue decks are very good. Yes! http://www.mtgvault.com/alackofreason/decks/fish-aquarium-glub-glub/

Posted 01 December 2013 at 02:24
