whats the Bazaar Trader for?
damit rob!! i was gonna ask if u guys wantd to do an M11 draft wen i got home -.-
so, with Tideforce Elemental, Lotus Cobra, and Ruin Ghost out; -play a land, float White mana with the cobra -tap an island to float Blue mana -use the floated White mana to exile the tapped island with the ghost and float White mana -use the floated Blue Mana to have the elemental untap the ghost -tap the same island for Blue mana and repeat
pft borrow from mike?! ur crazy and lol, mikes one to talk about making good decks...
fuckin shit, Bloodcheif Ascension + Mind Funeral is a sick-ass combo...
Dam it rob, srsly?? u expect me to buy 1lorthos, 2 wrexials, 3 stormtides, and 2 jaces?? (i can get the ulas temples from brian). Well i would go on, but i really dont have most of these cards. How much would buying everything here cost anyways =/ And I've tried a similar deck before (w/o my M11 and it had 70 cards) online and it worked amazingly. I think this copy is better and honestly, i would like to try to make it =p
Thanks, this is deff budget; everything i pulled from packs actually (except adm angel and the rampagings were trades. The Explorer's Scope seemed like a good idea wen i ran blue (halimar depths, ponder, and sage owls), but now it just seems useless. I was always on the fence with Adventuring Gear, and true its annoying to try to get 3 plains for the angel =/ (although wen i do its usually a win). Thanks for your feedback =]
Actually, Ajani's Mantra and Angel's Feather stacks as lifegain, so Ajani's Pridemate would be huge. But Goldenglow Moth is like removal bait or can easily be ignored, so i wouldn't run it. Felidar Sovereign as a win condition (40+) isn't gonna happen without Sunspring Expedition or Rest for the Weary