a black-white cleric deck without edgewalker?
maybe 2 manalith? and also, why dont you use counterspells? there almost essential in a control deck with blue...
hei, waarom heb je je andere decks niet meer? moet het m12 zijn? want er zijn een paar dingen die anders veel beter zouden zijn. -Journey to Nowhere in plaats van O-ring -grand architect in plaats van de automaton( gezien die niet wordt beïnvloed door artifactremoval en het gemis van hexproof kan worden verholpen doormiddel van swiftfoot boots) -lightning greaves in plaats van swiftfoot boots ook 4x preordain, zelfs pro´s vinden die beter dan ponder. en de beste illusion tot u toe: aether figment je kunt natuurlijk ook m12 blijven(waarom?) dan is dit denk wel het beste deck dat ik kan bedenken maar nog wat vraagjes, 1. ben je van plan naar Innistrad te gaan 2. ik ben van plan om aan het begin van´t nieuwe schooljaar een boosterdraft (3x m12) te organiseren. zou je willen meedoen?
like it! maybe the good ol' path to exile?
maybe act of treason, for being able to have fling als as a removal
id add equipment (umejawa´s jitte), and then extra sunspear shikari and maybe puresteel paladin. this instead of leonin shikari and raksha and something else(your choise)
id put in some equipment, to give your high power/low toughness creatures first strike
this are 97 cards. just make everything a one/off, add some cards like semetry reaper, guul draz assassin and btw some other assassins (nekrataal) then you have an EDH-commander deck!(look it up ïf you dont know the meaning of it
maybe some multicolored elder legends or dragons
try some madness creatures, ichor slick is a very cheap removal if you can use it this way
mimic vat journey to nowhere
TEZZERET! (agent of bolas) hes epic in this format, and in every artifact deck
srry dude, but some things up there do NOT make sense edgewright is never going to reach double strike in the wanted time, cut it.. you want 4x squadron hawk. maybe benalish cavalry(3/3 for 2) and the 2/1 for 1
bogardan hellkite! sometimes even a 6 for 1(against white weenie, but alright)
oh and 4x knight of sursi
chbrutus is right, it isnt EDH! 4x white orchid 4x exemplar 3x holy nimbus 4x meadowgrain 4x kinsbail sideboard silver knight, white knight.
i like the idea, but a few points. 1. is this for a tribal wars tournament. cause then you wont have enough for a legit deck 2. really, terror and throat, why! you have 20 killing permanents. i´d recommend using cards to stop the enemy from killing YOUR creatures. duress is perfect for this, u dont need him to discard creatures(as they will be a pray for your assassins) also, sadistic sacrement or something(search for sadistic) is great forseeing your opponents threats, and remove things like indestructible creatures and problematic enchantments. 3. scarblade elite should be auto/included in every assassin deck 4. as sideboard material, nekrataal and for a little bit big game hunter can be certainly good against some decks(nekrataal kills everything if played against a non/black deck' 5. if you add the scarblade elite, remove at least visara! and the mortivore! and then 4x avatar of woe, since even without the 10 creatures in gyard she´s good beater you might wanna put in something to protect your lil dudes from removal that slipped duress, maybe whispersilk cloak (for unblockable avatar late game) or lightning greaves
I was thinkin about Clockspinning and then something like Izzet Guildmage? you could, if you have the mana, just add counters and copy them. you can use the cannon like you used to do, and like after a few turns you could just rampage add like 4 counters and destroy at least 1 permanent.
there is a really funny way to gain live, but you neem mana and bloodchief ascention(i live in holland and i bought it for 2.40 at BazaarofMagic.nl) tortured existence 1 random creature in graveyard, one in hand bloodchief ascension loaded sanguine bond. with the existence, you can swap a creature card in your hand for one in your graveyard with the ascension, you would loose 2 and gain 2, means no loss but with the bond, your opponent would also loose 2 lifes, without gaining 2. since the bloodchief and the bond's abbies are costless, and the existence cost only one to use, you can do it plenty of times. lets say you just had enough mana to cast sanguine bond, and the next turn youre not using you mana. you have at least 5 mana, means 5 times swap your cards, means opponent loose 10 lives btw are you from the french or the dutch side of belgium? cause otherwise ill reply in het nederlands.
yes there is. toyal assassin has a lot of hate, just because people know him. but, he is excactly the same as king's assassin, and that one is quite unfamilier. so people wont automaticly want to destroy king's assassin, certainly not when your scarblade elite is on a killing frenzy
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